Request for Pre-Applications for Research Project Leaders
Therapeutic and Drug Development for Aging-Associated Diseases (TDDAAD)
Boise State University seeks applications from interested investigators to serve as Research Project Leaders and contribute to a campus-wide effort in the research area of Therapeutic and Drug Development for Aging-Associated Diseases (TDDAAD). Research projects that utilize both drug and non-drug therapeutics are of interest.
Intended funding mechanism: NIH Center of Biomedical Research Excellence (COBRE). See PAR-19-313, which expired 01/28/2022. A new announcement will not come out until summer 2022, but it should be very similar.
- Number of Research Project Leader awards: Four (4) awards are anticipated in year 1 with five (5) additional award opportunities in subsequent years.
- Award Budget: The annual budget for each investigator is estimated at $125,000 to $150,000 per year for up to three years.
- Duration: The project period is limited to three years for Research Project Leaders.
Eligibility Requirements
Research Project Leaders must:
- be junior investigators or established investigators that are making significant changes to his/her career. Junior investigators are defined either as an individual who does not have and has not previously served as PI on an R01 or R01-like grant award. Grants that name an individual as a co-investigator, collaborator, consultant, or to a position other than PI, DO NOT disqualify that investigator. R15, R03, and R21 awards also do not disqualify that investigator.
- hold the rank of Assistant Professor or Associate Professor (Research Assistant or Research Associate Professors may apply, but eligibility will be pending a discussion with the Program Officer).
- make a minimum commitment of 6 person-months annually to research.
- demonstrate a strong commitment to their project and the future submission of a related NIH R01 proposal.
- utilize both of the COBRE Core Facilities in their research project (CORE 1 includes mass spectrometry (MS), protein expression, chemical synthesis, nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR), and equipment to measure protein-ligand interactions and CORE 2 is the Biomedical Research Vivarium for animal studies).
Pre-Application Requirements
Due to Cheryl Jorcyk by Friday, June 3rd, 2022.
- Specific Aims page (1 page)—Each of the two CORE facilities must be incorporated into the aims. One aim should include some beginning level of therapeutic animal testing.
- Facility Use white paper (½ to 1 page)—Describe the proposal’s use of the Therapeutic and Drug Development for Aging-Associated Diseases (TDDAAD) CORE Facilities (listed in eligibility requirements #5). Note: not all facilities in a CORE need to be utilized, but the use of at least one facility per CORE is required.
- NIH Biosketch (maximum of 5 pages).
- June 3, 2022: Specific Aims page and Biosketch due
- July 29, 2022: Notification of selection
- Sept 30, 2022 : Individual Grant Applications (6-page NIH Format) due
- Nov 18, 2022: Internal/External Review Returned
- Dec 16, 2022: Resubmission (internal)
- Jan 27, 2023: COBRE grant submission to NIH
For more information, please contact Cheryl L. Jorcyk, Director of Clinical & Translational Research, at (208) 426-4287 or
Research Development & Grant Writing News
The April 2022 issue of this valuable newsletter is now available via the Albertsons Library: (Bookmark this page for future reference.)
This month’s Featured Articles:
- Select List of Humanities, HSS, and Arts Opportunities & News
- Biden Administration Requests Big Increases for the Humanities
- Addressing Agency-Relevant Significance at USDA/NIFA
- How Understanding the Curse of Knowledge Can Help You Write Better Proposals
- USDA NIFA 2022 Foundation Grant Program
- NSF FY2023 Budget Request: Where the Money is Going
- Know the Type of Project You’re Proposing
- Research Grant Writing Web Resources
- Educational Grant Writing Web Resources
- Agency Research News
- Agency Reports, Workshops & Roadmaps
- New Funding Opportunities
- About Academic Research Funding Strategies
The Research Development and Grant Writing Newsletter is available to faculty, staff, students, and affiliates with log-in access to the Albertsons Library. This subscription is sponsored by the Division of Research and Economic Development with support from the Albertsons Library.