State of Research Webinar
Join the Division of Research and Economic Development for the State of Research on April 28 from 12-1:30 pm. President Dr. Marlene Tromp will share a brief update followed by Nancy Glenn, Interim VPR. Associate Research Deans will share highlights on their respective divisions and colleges’ research and creative activity. Please register for this online event to receive the calendar invite with a zoom link in the details.
Link to State of Research Registration
Idaho Ignite Summer Workshop
Entrepreneurship Training for Researchers
A summer program devoted to helping Idaho university faculty, post-doctoral, and graduate students advance their ideas.
This program will cover:
- Intro to Startups + Entrepreneurship
- What is a Value Proposition?
- Finding a Value Proposition through customer Discovery + Empathy
- How to test a Value Proposition
- Measuring a Minimum Viable Product
- How to Pivot
- Business Model Canvas
- Partnerships, Founders + Funding
- Completing Customer Discovery
- Interviews with student support
More Information:
Dates: Tuesdays and Thursdays June 7 – July 14
2022 Idaho Ignite Faculty Summer Workshop Downloadable PDF Flyer
NSF EPSCoR Panelists Needed
NSF’s Established Program to Stimulate Competitive Research (EPSCoR) is recruiting reviewers to serve as panelists for the EPSCoR Research Fellows funding opportunity, under solicitation NSF 22-573, which has a deadline of May 12, 2022. This opportunity provides early-career investigators at EPSCoR-eligible institutions support for extended travel to a host site to establish or strengthen research collaborations, learn new techniques, and/or access state-of-the-art facilities.
As part of this recruitment effort, we are asking you to complete a reviewer recruitment survey to assist with the process of setting up merit review panels. The survey should require less than 10 minutes of your time
To be considered, please complete the survey that can be found here:
Please note that panelist selection will be guided by proposal topics and panelists will be asked to write reviews before the panel meeting. If you are not selected for this year’s competition, you may be contacted for future competitions.
Questions, ask Dr. Jose Colom-Ustariz, Program Director, EPSCOR,