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Faculty Research Lightning Talks

New Models of Collaborative Research

The Center for Research and Creative Activity presents virtual faculty research lightning talks around the theme, New Models of Collaborative Research. Join us on Friday, April 8th at 11:00 a.m. for faculty presentations and brief question/answer discussions. Please complete the google registration form to receive a calendar invite with a zoom link.

List of presenters:

  1. Steven Hyde, Ph.D., Management Department, Boise State University & Richard Gretz, Ph.D., Marketing Department, University of Texas San Antonio – The Tangled Webs We Weave: Examining the Effects of CEO’s Use of Deceptive Language on Analyst Recommendations
  2. Libby Lunstrum, Ph.D., School of Public Service, Boise State University & Matt Williamson, Ph.D., Human-Environment Systems, Boise State University – Indigenous-Led Ecological Restoration: Negotiating Colonial Structures
  3. Megan Frary, Ph.D., Materials Science and Engineering, Boise State University & Julianne Wenner, Ph.D., Science Education, Clemson University – A Two-legged Stool Can’t Balance on its Own
  4. Kelly Rossetto, Ph.D., Department of Communication, Boise State University & Eric Martin, Ph.D., Department of Kinesiology, Boise State University – Successes and Challenges of Developing Multi-disciplinary Resilience Research and Programming

Downloadable PDF Poster – New Models of Collaborative Research


The Center of Excellence in Biomedical Research at Boise State University and Academic Research Funding Strategies, LLC Presents an Online Workshop

How to Pursue Funding to Support Your Research

The session “will cover articulating your research agenda, understanding funding agencies, identifying and analyzing funding opportunities (including those for IDeA States), recruiting mentors and collaborations, positioning, developing a project plan, and identifying and talking to your program officer.”  The second part of the day “will focus on the nitty-gritty of writing your proposal, stepping through typical sections and discussing what each should accomplish and mistakes to avoid, the review process, and how to interpret and respond to reviews. Participants will participate in a number of exercises during the workshop sessions, including identifying their program officer, mock discussion with their P.O., and participating in a mock review panel.” Questions and discussions will be encouraged throughout the workshop. All participants will receive a link to download the workshop materials.”

We are also offering a limites number of 45-minute individual consultations with Ms. Deckard. During the consultation, participants will discuss individual circumstances and will be required to submit any relevant materials (solicitations, prior reviews, draft Specific Aims, etc.) in advance to no later than Monday, May 6, 2022.

Seminar with consultant Lucy Deckard:

Thursday, May 19, 2022, 9-4:00 MT

Individual Consultation Sessions:

Friday, May 20, 2022 – sessions are 45 minutes each and start at 8:00 am ending at 12:45MT

Monday, May 23, 2022- sessions are 45 minutes each and start at  noon ending at 4:45MT

Registration Information:

Registration begins on Monday, March 21, 2022, and ends on Friday, May 13, 2022. There are no registration costs to the participant for the workshop or the individual consultation. Registration is limited to 99 participants. After registration, you will receive an email from Tracy Yarnell with details regarding the workshop including the Zoom link.

Complete the required registration form

Questions? contact Tracy Yarnell by email at or by phone at 208-426-2238.


Digital Humanities Affinity Group Spring Series Presents

Narcissus and the Happy Inch: Using Space Syntax and Real-Time 3D to Rethink the Power-House in Pompeii

Digital Humanities Affinity Group Spring Series Presents “Narcissus and the Happy Inch: Using Space Syntax and Real-Time 3D to Rethink the Power-House in Pompeii”, by Professor David Fredrick, University of Arkansas. Sponsored by the Boise State Center for Research and Creative Activity, this talk is open to all Boise State students, faculty, and staff.


In a ground-breaking article in 1988, Andrew Wallace-Hadrill declared, “His house was a power-house,” by “his” meaning the dominus, the elite male owner of the property. In this piece and the subsequent Houses and Society in Pompeii and Herculaneum (1994), Wallace-Hadrill developed his argument that Roman houses were articulated along two axes: private-public and grand-humble. The apex of space and decoration lay in the private-grand rooms, which brought visitors into the most intimate contact with the dominus, in the most impressive settings. Wallace-Hadrill’s reading of the Roman house remains dominant in 2022, in part because it coincided with the emergence of the penetrator-penetrated binary model of Greek and Roman sexual and social relations, based on the work of Dover and Foucault. Combining an updated form of Space Syntax analysis (ArcGIS, Gephi, Unity) with a fresh look at erotic compositions in private-grand spaces (Unity, webGL), this presentation argues that the house was indeed a power-house, but with a markedly decentralized spatial network. There are typically multiple significant nodes and pathways for movement and information flow, pointing to the importance of multiple agents beyond the dominus, including wives and enslaved household members. This is consistent with literary evidence (Apuleius, Cicero, Juvenal, Petronius) that points to the agency of the “penetrated,” suggesting that the Roman house, in its space and decoration, constructs not just the power of the dominus, but the more clandestine social networks and power of inhabitants often viewed as passive. This has tantalizing connections with gender queer erotic compositions in wall painting. The presentation closes with a reconsideration of the Warren Cup and sexual/social agency in the context of private-grand domestic space.

Speaker Biography:

An Associate Professor in Classical Studies, Prof. Fredrick directed the Tesseract Center for Game Design at the University of Arkansas from 2014-2021 and is currently working to build a new Digital Humanities and Game Design Studio in the Department of World Languages, Literatures, and Cultures. Through Tesseract, he directed the production of video games and interactive visualizations for teaching and research, with projects that include modeling space and movement in ancient Pompeii, Native American languages and culture, experiences of captivity, trauma, and resilience in the Arkansas Delta during WWII, and the emergence of Black institutions in early 19th-century Brooklyn. In 2015, Tesseract’s interactive gallery application for Crystal Bridges Museum of American Art received a Golden Muse Award from the American Alliance of Museums, and in 2021 Mornin’ in Your Eyes, a video game developed to teach Civil Rights history, received a Silver Award in the Serious Games competition.

Event Details:

Monday, April 18th, 3:30-4:30 PM

Event Zoom Link