Northwest Climate Adaptation Science Center Research Fellowship Program Summary
The Northwest Climate Adaptation Science Center (NW CASC) 2022-2023 Research Fellowship Program is currently accepting applications from graduate students and postdoctoral scholars. The program supports research related to climate adaptation for Northwest natural and cultural resource management and provides training in the principles and practices of developing decision-relevant science.
The program allows for self-submission by the students and postdoctoral scholars, but the proposals are awarded to Boise State as a sponsored project. To assure accurate proposals, students and postdoctoral scholars are required to obtain institutional approval to submit prior to uploading a proposal. Any graduate students or postdoctoral scholars who want to apply must work with the Office of Sponsored Programs (OSP) to submit following the timeline below. OSP encourages faculty advisors to share this opportunity with students and postdoctoral scholars.
Award Information
The funding period is from the beginning of the fall 2022 term through July 31, 2023. Previous awards have averaged around $30,000, with a range of $8,000 to $65,000.
Notice of Intent to Submit
Students and Postdocs that are interested in applying should submit a notice to submit to OSP Pre-Award via email ( with the following format:
Subject: NW CASC Fellowship Application for [insert your full name] (OSP 8070)
OSP Pre-Award,
I am planning on submitting to the NW CASC Research Fellowship Program.
Name: [insert your full name]
Are you a graduate student or postdoctoral scientist? [Graduate Student or Postdoc]
Faculty Advisor Name: [insert your faculty advisor’s name]
I will work with OSP to complete a draft of my budget. I will send the final version of my budget and a draft of my proposal narrative to OSP for approvals on or before March 7, 2022.
- February 28, 2022: Notice of intent to submit due to OSP Pre-Award. Please cc your faculty advisor on this email.
- February 28, 2022 through March 4, 2022: Student/Postdoc to work with OSP to finalize the budget.
- March 7, 2022: Final budget and draft narrative due to OSP.
- March 8, 2022 through March 14, 2022: OSP will route all proposals for institutional approval.
- March 15, 2022: Student/Postdoc submits final proposal using the NW CASC google form and via email. The student/postdoc should cc on the emailed submission.
If you have any questions about this proposal, please contact us at