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Limited Submission Statement of Interest Notice

2022 National Science Foundation Materials Research Science and Engineering Centers (MRSEC)


National Science Foundation (NSF)


The Materials Research Science and Engineering Centers (MRSEC) program provides sustained support of materials research and education of the highest quality while addressing fundamental problems in science and engineering. Research scope and complexity require the scale, synergy, and multidisciplinarity provided by a campus-based research center. The program promotes active collaboration between universities and other sectors, including industry and international organizations, and contributes to the development of a national network of university-based centers in materials research, education, and facilities.

A MRSEC may encompass two to three interdisciplinary research groups (IRGs). Each IRG involves several faculty members (typically between 6 and 12) addressing a major topic or area, in which sustained support for interactive effort by the several participants of complementary backgrounds, skills, and knowledge is critical to progress. The IRGs in a Center may be thematically related, or they may address different aspects of materials research. The MRSEC in its entirety is holistic, its rationale conditioned on the connection of all its parts, with synergy arising from common infrastructure, shared facilities, education and outreach activities, and other Center-spanning initiatives.

For more information, view the full MRSEC solicitation.


Individual MRSEC awards are expected to range in size from approximately $3 million/year for a 2-IRG MRSEC to a maximum of $4.5 million/year for a 3-IRG MRSEC. A MRSEC award also includes expectations of significant education, outreach, and administrative efforts. Awards will be made for an initial duration of up to six (6) years, but the level of funding is contingent on successful progress and upon the outcome of external review. The anticipated effective date of new MRSEC awards is September 1, 2023.

MRSEC Theme:

One (1) application per lead institution is permitted. In consultation with the Micron School of Materials Science and Engineering and The Implementation Group, the Division of Research and Economic Development (DRED) identified a director, Peter Müllner, and theme for Boise State’s MRSEC submission: Material Resource Sustainability Nexus (MARESUNEX). MARESUNEX provides a framework for research projects to (i) vertically align within an IRG leading from materials resourcing to device application, (ii) horizontally relate within a discipline, and (iii) connect with industry or community partners. The theme and the vertical integration is designed to encourage participation from faculty members from a wide variety of disciplines on campus.

The MARESUNEX will establish a complete value chain for green technologies from resourcing to deployment through materials discovery. To do so, we must bring together materials experts from across science and engineering fields with scholars in areas such as policy, political science, environment, geoscience, and economics. To learn more about the Material Resource Sustainability Nexus theme, you can attend the open forum on November 17, 2021 or contact Peter Müllner at

Statement of Interest Requirements and Timeline:

In support of identifying potential Interdisciplinary Research Groups (IRG), the Division of Research and Economic Development is soliciting Statements of Interest from researchers who would like to participate in Boise State’s 2022 NSF Materials Research Science and Engineering Centers (MRSEC) program. MRSEC proposals are a significant undertaking and cross-campus coordination is required to develop a competitive application.

If you are interested in in participating in Boise State’s 2022 MRSEC program, you must first submit a Statement of Interest to by November 30, 2021.

With this Statement of Interest solicitation, the Division of Research and Economic Development is seeking information from those who may be interested (1) in leading an IRG or (2) in participating as researcher. For the Statement of Interest for leading an IRG, provide up to a one (1) page description of your IRG, including the names of potential IRG participants and their area of research. At this point, the IRG ideas do not need to be fully formed. However, they should provide sufficient information to understand the main research goals and investigate the possibility of an IRG being integrated into the MARESUNEX theme. For those interested in participating as a researcher, provide a one (1) page Statement of Interest indicating that you are interested in participating as a researcher and providing one or more ideas for research themes that could fit within an IRG under Boise State’s proposed MRSEC.

Key Dates:

  • November 17, 2021, 12-1 PM – Peter Müllner will lead a virtual open forum on the MRSEC theme. Please register by completing the MRSEC Open Forum google registration form.
  • November 30, 2021 – Statement of Interest due to
  • December 2021 – IRG team building. In collaboration with faculty interested in leading an IRG and based on the responses of faculty interested in participating, the PI in coordination with DRED will work on refining ideas and defining IRGs.
  • January 2022 – Build out IRG teams, finalize MRSEC scope, and establish proposal development teams.
  • June 13, 2022 – Preliminary proposal due to OSP
  • June 20, 2022 – Preliminary proposal due to NSF
  • November 15, 2022 – Full proposal due to OSP (by NSF invitation only)
  • November 22, 2022 – Full proposal due to NSF (by NSF invitation only)


Did you find a limited submission opportunity?  Email us at!