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Disinformation Affinity Group and IFITS Funding Opportunities

Disinformation Affinity Group Info Session

We would like to invite you to an Info Session detailing our current award and work toward building a Disinformation Squad located in the library. This session aims to bring together all faculty and staff on campus who are working on issues surrounding disinformation/misinformation/malinformtion in a variety of academic fields and contexts, including research and service work. A detailed agenda will be distributed, and we are looking forward to creating connections between faculty across units working on disinformation and exploring possible structures to support cross-unit collaboration within the campus community and beyond. The conversation will be informal, but for ease of Zoom communication will be facilitated by the VPRs office.

Please join us on Zoom, Friday, December 3rd, from Noon to 1:30. Click the google form link to register for the event. To learn more about the Disinformation Squad, you can also contact Isaac Castellano, assistant clinical professor in the School of Public Service at

Institute for Inclusive & Transformative Scholarship (IFITS)

Funding Opportunities for Undergraduate Student Researchers

Opportunity 1: HERC Fellowship for Spring 2022

  • Sponsored by the Idaho Higher Education Research Council
  • 10-week experience
  • Open to all STEM majors including undergraduate students in natural sciences, social sciences, and health sciences
  • HERC Fellows receive a $3,000 stipend and have the opportunity to present their research
  • All students must have a faculty mentor nominate them for the fellowship
  • Application Deadline:  Friday, November 19, 2021
  • Link to HERC Application Details
  • Link to HERC Faculty Nomination Form

Opportunity 2: URCA Grants for Spring 2022

  • Undergraduate Research & Creative Activities (URCA) grants are sponsored by the Division of Research & Economic Development
  • Open to all majors
  • Selected students receive a $1,500 stipend to support personal expenses, purchase needed equipment, software, and supplies, or to pay for registration for and travel expenses to a conference
  • All students must have a faculty mentor
  • Application Deadline: Friday, November 19, 2021
  • Link to URCA Application Details
  • Link to Faculty Support Acknowledgment Form