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Grant Writers Seminars and Workshops

The Biomolecular Research Center and Grant Writers Seminars and Workshops

“Write Winning NIH Grant Proposals”


Saturday, March 21, 2020
8:30 am – 4:30 pm


Boise State University


Grant proposal-writing skills are essential for the promotion and success of academic investigators. Obtaining grants requires perseverance and essential skills in communicating your ideas to the funding agency. Regardless of whether applications for funding are for basic science or patient-oriented investigations, there is a need to convey your ideas effectively.  This seminar comprehensively addresses both conceptual and practical aspects that are associated with the proposal-writing process. Rather than offer what is typically presented (little more than how to fill out forms and conform to instructions) this proposal-writing seminar emphasizes grantsmanship: idea development, how to write for reviewers, and tips and strategies for creating logical and convincing arguments in each section of the proposal.

Each participant receives a copy of The Grant Application Writer’s Workbook. The workbook provides participants with an opportunity to apply what they have learned through an interactive, step-by-step approach. The principles and fundamentals emphasized throughout the program will appeal most to individuals interested in writing grant applications to the NIH and NSF but are easy to apply to grant applications written to diverse types of funding agencies.


Tracy Yarnell
