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National Endowment for the Humanities, BrightFocus Foundation

National Endowment for the Humanities

NEH Summer Stipend Program


This does not need to go through the Office of Sponsored Programs. This award will go directly to individuals.


The National Endowment for the Humanities’ Summer Stipends program aims to stimulate new research in the humanities and its publication. The program works to accomplish this goal by:

  • Providing small awards to individuals pursuing advanced research that is of value to humanities scholars, general audiences, or both.
  • Supporting projects at any stage of development, but most especially early-stage research and late-stage writing in which small awards are most effective
  • Furthering the NEH’s commitment to diversity and inclusion in the humanities by encouraging applications from independent scholars and faculty at Hispanic Serving Institutions, Historically Black Colleges and Universities, tribal colleges and universities, and community colleges

Summer Stipends support continuous full-time work on a humanities project for a period of two consecutive months. NEH funds may support recipients’ compensation, travel, and other costs related to the proposed scholarly research.

Due Date:

September 25, 2019

Maximum Award Amount:

$6,000 for a 2 month performance period

More Information – NEH Summer Stipend

Summer Stipends Application Webinar


In late August we will offer another webinar, featuring suggestions on how to write a good Summer Stipends application. Tips will include: planning ahead, making your case, remembering your audience, paying attention to details, and avoiding common errors. There will be plenty of time for questions. The webinar will also be recorded for later viewing. After registering, you will receive a confirmation email containing information about joining the webinar.

Date & Time:

Wednesday, August 28, 1-2 PM (Eastern time)

Registration – Summer Stipends Webinar

Humanities Connections Planning


Apply if you have an idea for a new curricular program or initiative that you want to put into action. Planning activities include identifying the members of a planning committee and organizing the planning process; defining the rationale, design, and structure that would undergird a comprehensive and institutionally sustainable effort; and establishing potential scenarios for curriculum development. A Humanities Connections Planning grant will help create a firm foundation for implementing a curricular program or initiative.

Due Date:

Draft Submission – August 19, 2019
Application Deadline – September 19, 2019

Award Amount:

Up to $35,000 up to 12 months

Humanities Connections Implementation


Apply if you can demonstrate unambiguous evidence of planning, commitments from partners/ collaborators as well as your institution, and a clear intellectual rationale. These proposals must include a high level of detail in such areas as project structure and components; key topics and texts or other resources to be used in specific courses/components; and the roles and responsibilities of the individual members of the collaborative team.

Due Date:

Draft Submission – August 19, 2019
Application Deadline – September 19, 2019

Award Amount:

Up to $100,000 for 18 – 36 month period

Send an e-mail or pick up the phone to speak with NEH about your project ideas and submit a draft proposal for review!
P: (202) 606-8337


More Information – Hunamities Connection


BrightFocus Foundation

Alzheimer’s Disease Research


The goal of the program is to accelerate our understanding of the biological mechanisms underlying Alzheimer’s Disease and related dementias as well as innovative approaches to better diagnose, prevent or delay the progress of the disease. Preference is made for exciting pilot projects that would not, at their present stage, be competitive for large government or industry awards. Typically, these awards are made to early stage investigators, or to more established investigators who are proposing particularly innovative research.

Due Date:

November 4, 2019, 3:00 PM MNT

Award Amount:

$100,000 up to 3 years