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National Fish and Wildlife Foundation, Department of Defense

National Fish and Wildlife Foundation

Request for Proposal


2019 Bring Back the Natives

Pre-Proposal Due Date:

June 27, 2019


Grant awards generally range in size from $50,000 to $100,000, although grants greater than $100,000 will be considered on a case by case basis.

Funding Priorities:

In 2019, the Bring Back the Natives program will provide funding to projects that produce
measureable outcomes for native fish species of conservation concern. Priority projects will
address the leading factors in native fish species decline such as habitat alteration, environmental
change and invasive species. Projects benefiting one or more of the following native fish species
and focal geographies are priorities for funding. Activities referenced in a NFWF business plan or
a well-developed, comprehensive conservation strategy targeting these geographies/species will be
most competitive.

  • Pacific lamprey, Chinook salmon and steelhead in the Columbia River Basin.
  • Salmon in the Central and Northern California coasts.
  • Intermountain West native trout and char including Yellowstone/Snake River, Colorado
    River, San Juan, and Greenback cutthroat trout, bull trout, Apache trout, and Gila trout.
  • Native desert fishes in the arid southwest, including sucker, dace, pupfish, and other species,
    especially those with overlapping distributions with other native fish species of conservation
  • Great Lakes native fishes, including lake sturgeon, northern pike and eastern brook trout.
  • Southern and southeastern native fish, especially endemic species of concern in the
    Cumberland, Tennessee and Mobile (Alabama/Coosa) River drainages.
  • Native fish of eastern U.S. rivers, especially river herring and American shad in the
    Chesapeake and Delaware watersheds.
  • National Scope – See Innovation within the Priority Activities below.

Learn more about National Fish and Wildlife Foundation Award


Department of Defense

Defense Threat Reduction Agency


Materials Science in Extreme Environments University Research Alliance

Due Date:

Letter of Intent: June 21,2019

Pre-Proposal: July 17, 2019


DTRA is seeking to develop the capability to understand material properties and associated mechanisms in various extreme environments that may lead to future exploitation. The approach is to realize a materials and properties capability by establishing a new University Research Alliance (URA) focused on Materials Science in Extreme Environments (MSEE). The focus of the MSEE-URA will be to advance the fundamental understanding of various material properties and mechanisms in non-equilibrium high pressure, high temperature, and high photon number regimes.