About Me
Graduate Assistant
Human-Environment Systems
Department of Biological Sciences
Advisor: Dr. Vicken Hillis
Email: tarapozzi@u.boisestate.edu
Link to personal webpage:
Graduate Assistant
Human-Environment Systems
Department of Biological Sciences
Advisor: Dr. Vicken Hillis
Email: tarapozzi@u.boisestate.edu
Link to personal webpage:
I am interested in identifying tactics local decision-makers can use in order to effectively mitigate risk from natural disasters and ultimately help communities become more resilient. Furthermore, I am interested in how effective communication can be used to create collective action in hazard management and overcome cultural barriers that prevent behavior adoption. I am currently working on a project that looks at lidar use in flood risk planning, assessment, and solution adoption in Idaho.
I am interested in collaborating with researchers with the HCRI that have shared interests, as well as with organizations outside of the Consortium as resources for increasing community resilience to natural disasters.