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Royce Hutson Profile

Royce Hutson

About Me

Photo of Royce Hutson

Associate Professor
School of Social Work
On leave: US Department of State, Bureau of Counterterrorism

Office Phone: (608) 334-9549


  • Countering/Preventing Violent Extremism
  • Disaster Needs/Asset Assessments
  • Disaster Survey Methodology

My academic research career has focused primarily on public health surveys in crisis environments and the methodology associated with these surveys. These crises have included areas in armed conflict, post-conflict, and the immediate aftermath of natural disasters. Research in Lebanon and the Palestinian refugee camps also included analysis on the associations of violent victimization, trauma symptomology, and other factors to violent extremist ideology. Lastly, I have conducted research on antecedents to resettlement outcomes for refugees in Boise, ID. The scholarship includes mortality and criminal victimization in Haiti have the deposing of Haiti’s president in 2004; mortality, morbidity, and food security after the 2010 earthquake in Haiti; the association of public health outcomes and attitudes toward Hezbollah after the 2007 Israel/Hezbollah War; socio-economic and health outcomes associated with violent extremism in Palestinian refugee camps; and the association of socio-economic well-being and public health outcomes to smuggling activity at the Lebanon-Syria border. Further, the methods we employed to survey sample these areas has also been investigated. Starting with the 2004 Haiti study, we have explored and published on alternative methods of sampling using GPS technology and aerial mapping to randomly sample households. Currently advising US Department of State on the reintegration and rehabilitation of ISIS-affiliated mothers and children.


Would love to collaborate with colleagues on disaster needs assessment, disaster resiliency, and targeted violence/violent extremism prevention.

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