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Treasure Valley Canopy Network


The Treasure Valley Canopy Network builds healthy and vibrant Treasure Valley communities.


Three key tenants frame our mission:

  • Collaborate – Toward projects, programs and policies that connect our built and natural environments
  • Innovate – Through development of new ideas, resources and opportunities for connecting and creating thriving built and natural environments
  • Sustain – By developing a culture of commitment to design that returns urban forest benefits in balance with our urban infrastructure, economy and society

Public and Private Sector

The Treasure Valley Canopy Network (Network) is comprised of public and private sector professionals who recognize the value that the urban forest provides for citizens of the Treasure Valley.

Professionals from a variety of sectors makeup the Network, including: transportation, water, air, natural resources, urban forestry, academia, economics, sustainability, rural conservation and development and energy.

The Network recognizes

  1. the benefits that the urban forest provides for our environment through: ecosystem services to our communities – clean air, clean water, reduced residential energy use during peak summer months, stormwater treatment
  2. the benefits benefits realized by our community – enhanced livability and economic development in our city centers, increased residential property values, shade during the heat of summer months.

Through an open forum we seek opportunities, solutions and funding to support sustainable development and management of our urban forest – contributing to the prosperity of communities and citizens of the Treasure Valley.
