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Mac McCullough


Research Areas

  • Public health
  • Health care
  • Population health

Research Summary

Mac McCullough is an associate professor in the School of Public and Population Health. Mac’s research examines investments in public health and social services and assesses how these investments impact population health. Mac led the creation of a data source to track spending on health and social services at the local level and has used these data to explore how community spending can influence health factors and outcomes. Mac’s teaches courses on finance, policy, and management in health care and public health.

Collaboration Interests

Mac enjoys working with Idaho’s state public health agency and public health districts. McCullough also works closely with a range of public and non-profit organizations working to improve the public’s health, including health care delivery organizations, advocacy groups, social service organizations, and other health promoting organizations. Collaboration involves scholarship, teaching, and experiential learning opportunities.

Courses Taught

  • HTLH 210
  • MPH 530
  • MPH 533
  • PPHL 640
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