M.S. Student
Department: Geosciences
Advisor:Â Dr. Brittany Brand
Phone: 707-889-2539
Office Location: ERB 5th Floor, cubicle 5D
Personal Webpage:
Brennan’s LinkedIn Profile
Research Areas
- Volcanology
- Geothermal Energy exploration and management
- Risk assessment for communities at risk from landslides/volcanic eruptions
- Sustainable Mining Exploration and Development
Research Summary
My research is involved with the analysis of a low-silica ignimbrite located in central Oregon, and the specific textual and spectral characteristics we can utilize to identify syn- or post- emplacement welding to differentiate what leads to the formation of low- vs. high silica ignimbrites.
I am very interested in assisting with the establishment and development of early warning systems for regions which may be lacking the necessary infrastructure, including risks from volcanic hazards and lahars/mudflows associated with specific eruptions.
I believe that community involvement and education regarding risks from natural hazards is critical and necessary to prepare the population as efficiently as possible for future risks associated with these hazards.
Collaboration Interests
Assisting with development and installation of early-warning systems within communities which are proximal to active volcanoes.