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Zachary Provant



Postdoctoral Research Fellow

Zachary Provant

Department: Geosciences


Personal Webpage:

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Research Areas

  • disaster risk reduction
  • hazard mitigation
  • climate change adaptation
  • risk and vulnerability mapping
  • community resilience

Research Summary

I am an environmental social scientist that specializes in natural hazards, hazard mitigation, and disaster risk reduction. My latest research in Juneau, Alaska examines the politics of hazard management, the impacts of hazard mapping on residents, and the increasing risks created by climate hazards.

As a postdoctoral research fellow for the Hazard and Climate Resilience Institute, I am currently working on two projects: 1) the EPA’s Thriving Communities Technical Assistance Centers Program for the state of Idaho; and 2) a FEMA-funded risk mapping project to create the “Idaho Resilience Tool.” In both of these projects, I take a collaborative and interdisciplinary approach to studying community resilience. Beyond these two projects, I am also developing research that examines how to improve landslide hazard management across the state of Idaho.

Collaboration Interests

I believe interdisciplinary collaboration is essential to solving our most complex environmental problems. I invite researchers, practitioners, decisionmakers, and community members from all fields to say hello!

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