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Dr. Brand Featured in Ashland News Article

Brittany Brand, a professor at Boise State University and Director for the Boise State Hazard and Climate Resilience Institute leads a workshop, with about 25 ashland residents, on how to make their homes more fire resistant. photo by Bob Palermini

Last week, Dr. Brittany Brand, Director of the Hazard and Climate Resilience Institute at Boise State University, led an in-person wildfire preparedness workshop for residents of Ashland, Oregon.

In response to the workshop, the Ashland News covered the event in their own news story, recapping the most important aspects of how to protect one’s home from wildfire risk. The full story can be read here.

For those interested in learning more about wildfire preparedness, Dr. Brand will host a second workshop on Wednesday, May 15th via Zoom.