One of the early efforts the NW CSC initiated in FY15 as part of the Available Science Assessment Project, focused on formulating a synthesis of the scientific knowledge behind natural and nature-based adaptation actions taken to address sea level rise in the Pacific Northwest. This is another example to illustrate our commitment to identifying and evaluating the body of science behind a resource management issue, thus making science truly actionable.
The NW CSC has partnered with EcoAdapt, OSU Institute for Natural Resources, and the North Pacific Landscape Conservation Cooperative to deliver a webinar on April 11, 2018 from 11 am-12 pm (Pacific Time) to learn more about the project. The Principal Investigators will discuss findings from the literature and from regional workshops about the conditions under which sea level rise adaptation actions may be most effective, as well as key research and information needs identified by regional management practitioners.
Register if you wish to participate in the webinar.