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IRB InfoEd Forms and Guidance

InfoEd Protocol Management System

The university is using InfoEd for human subjects protocol submissions and review processing.

Attention Mac Users:  There are some known issues with the Safari browser environment and InfoEd. Some users have reported problems uploading attachments or entering data in form fields.  If you normally use Safari, please use Chrome or Firefox when using InfoEd. 

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Note: Please ensure you are connected to the VPN if trying to connect off-campus.

InfoEd Human Subjects Module Guidance

Below are job aids to assist investigators, co-investigators or protocol managers through various InfoEd processes.

Create a New Protocol (Initial Submission)

New Protocol – Additional Detail

Are you having trouble finding an application you’ve been working on in InfoEd?  Please refer to this job aid before creating another initial application. Find a Protocol Record in InfoEd

Other Relevant job aids:

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