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Research and Economic Development

Fostering an environment where research and creative activity thrive by providing comprehensive support for research activities.

Supporting research from inception to completion

Boise State University is committed to fostering an environment where research and creative activity thrive.

The Division of Research and Economic Development leads this effort by:

  • providing comprehensive support for faculty during all phases of the research endeavor 
  • managing the university’s intellectual property portfolio
  • facilitating relationships with industry for research and commercialization collaboration 
  • and leading outreach aimed at fostering economic development in Boise and the region.

Our Mission

Units within Research and Economic Development

The Division of Research and Economic Development (DRED) is made up of several research units that provide different support for research projects across campus.

Not sure what the next step is? Review the Research and Creative Activity Ecosystem or  Contact Us.

Research and Creative Activity Events

Latest Research News

After wildfires, ranchers face two-year delay to graze cattle on federal land – is it doing more harm than good?
Researchers explore the impact of subscription-based business
Idaho Energy Water systems workshop opportunity: Ethical native-engaged research
Exploring relationships between plants, soils and carbon cycle: Meet Marie-Anne de Graaff

Tools to Succeed

The Division has a variety of resources available to faculty and staff at Boise State. Peruse the list of resources below or contact us to learn more.