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International Baccalaureate (IB) Exams

The International Baccalaureate (IB) Diploma Programme (DP) is a demanding course of study that leads to culminating exams for highly motivated high school students.

A minimum score of 4 is required to receive credit. The following list contains the specific departmental credits available at Boise State for acceptable IB exam scores. Credit for IB exams not listed will be granted on the recommendations of the chair of the department offering the course.

How to Receive Credit for an IB Exam

  1. Review the provided table to see the minimum score required and equivalent Boise State course.
  2. Send your IB transcript to Boise State through the IBO website or by contacting your high school IB coordinator.
  3. You will receive an email when your exam score is processed. Test credit will be posted to your record after the 10th day of your first semester at Boise State.

IB Contact Information


Phone: (301) 202-3000

Visit the International Baccalaureate (IB) website

Grade on Transcript

Credit for IB exams will be recorded on your Boise State transcript with a grade of Pass (P). If your score is too low, no entry is made on your transcript.

Limitations on IB Exams

IB exams cannot be used to repeat a class previously graded. You may earn up to one-third (1/3) of your total credits required for graduation through credit for prior learning.


Contact the transfer credit evaluators at, (208) 426-4249, or (800) 824-7017.

Boise State University Credit for IB Exam Scores

IB ExamLevelMinimum ScoreBoise State Equivalent
CreditsFoundations DesignationNotes
BiologySL or HL4BIOL 1004FN
BiologySL or HL5BIOL 1914FN
BiologySL or HL6BIOL 191, 1928FN (BIOL 191)
Business ManagementSL or HL4MGMT 301, 334, 4109
ChemistryHL4CHEM 111, 111L4FN
Classical Languages, GreekSL or HL4FORLNG 1974FH
Classical Languages, GreekSL or HL5FORLNG 1978FH
Classical Languages, LatinSL or HL4LATIN 2114FH
Classical Languages, LatinSL or HL5LATIN 211, 2128FH
Computer ScienceSL or HL4CS 100XF3
DanceSL or HL4THEA 2103
Design TechnologySL or HL4ITM 100XF3
Diploma Programmen/aCompletionENGL 101, 1026FW (College First-Year Composition)
EconomicsSL or HL5ECON 201, 2026FS
English A Language and LiteratureSL4ENGL 1013FW (College First-Year Composition)
English A Language and LiteratureSL5ENGL 101, 1026FW
English A Language and LiteratureHL4ENGL 101, 1026FW
English A Language and LiteratureHL5ENGL 101, 102, 1759FW/FH
English A LiteratureSL or HL4ENGL 1753FH
English BSL or HL4ENGL 100XF3
English BSL or HL5ENGL 100XF6
English BSL or HL6ENGL 100XF9
English BSL or HL7ENGL 100XF12
Environmental Systems and SocietiesSL4ENVHLTH 100XF3
FilmHL4FILM 200XF3
FilmSL4FILM 100XF3
GeographySL or HL4GEOG 1023FS
GeographySL or HL5GEOG 101, GEOG 1026FS
Global PoliticsSL or HL4POLS 2003
HistorySL4HIST 1023FS
History, Africa and the Middle EastHL4HIST 102, 1516FS
History, AmericasHL4HIST 102, 1126FS
History, Asia and OceaniaHL4HIST 102, 1216FS
History, EuropeHL4HIST 101, 1026FS
Information Technology in a Global SocietySL or HL4ITM 100XF3
Language AB InitioSL41013FH
Language BSL or HL41013FH
Language BSL or HL5101, 1026FH
Language BSL or HL6101, 102, 2019 to 12FH-Credits vary depending on the language taken
Language BSL or HL7101, 102, 201, 20212 to 16FH-Credits vary depending on the language taken
Literature and PerformanceSL5ENGL 100XF3
MathematicsSL or HL4MATH 143, 1445FM (MATH 143)
MathematicsSL or HL6MATH 143, 144, 1709FM (MATH 143, 170)
Further Mathematics – For Further Math HL additional topic credit assessment take your syllabus to the Math department.HL6MATH 175, 187, 3019
Mathematics Analysis and ApproachesHL4MATH 170, 1758FM (MATH 170)
Mathematics Analysis and ApproachesSL4MATH 1704FM
Mathematics Applications and InterpretationHL4MATH 143, 144, 1538FM (MATH 143, 153)
Mathematics Applications and InterpretationSL4MATH 1233FM
MusicSL or HL4MUS 100XF3
PhilosophySL or HL4PHIL 1013FH
PhysicsHL5PHYS 111, 1128FN
PsychologySL or HL5PSYC 1013FS
Social and Cultural AnthropologySL or HL5ANTH 1023FS
Sports, Exercise and Health ScienceSL4KINES 100XF3
TheatreSL or HL4THEA 1013FA
Visual ArtsSL or HL4ART 100XFA3FA
World Arts and CulturesSL4ART 1003FA
World ReligionsSL4HUM 100XF3