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Independent Study in Idaho

ISI Information

Independent Study in Idaho (ISI) was created in 1973 by the Idaho State Board of Education as a cooperative of four accredited Idaho institutions led by the University of Idaho (UI). Other cooperating members include Lewis-Clark State College (LCSC), Idaho State University (ISU), and Boise State University. Each member-institution of the ISI cooperative is accredited by the Northwest Commission on Colleges and Universities.

Courses and Policies

ISI courses, sponsored by the cooperating institutions, are delivered online. Idaho residency is not required. A complete list of ISI courses, course syllabi and ISI policies and procedures are available on the ISI website. Although ISI does not offer degrees, credits earned upon course completion transfer to most colleges and universities.

Self-Paced Learning

People from diverse backgrounds worldwide take ISI’s online courses for various reasons (e.g., to begin college programs early, graduate on time, resolve on-campus scheduling conflicts, satisfy prerequisites, or to pursue professional development and personal enrichment). Independent Study in Idaho courses are designed for students who work well independently with limited interaction with instructors. You can enroll anytime and work from anywhere. You can work at your own pace within the limits set by the course instructor on the number of assignments that can be submitted per week. You have up to one calendar year from the registration date to complete ISI courses.

ISI Course Catalog Overview

ISI CourseCreditsBoise State Equivalent CourseFoundational Studies DesignationNoteSponsoring School
ANTH 100 Introduction to Anthropology3ANTH 100XFSFSUI
ART 100 Introduction to Art3ART 100 Introduction to ArtFALCSC
BIOL 102 Biology and Society3UI
BIOL 102L Biology and Society Lab1UI
BUS 101 Introduction to Business3BUS 101 Business for the New GenerationLCSC
BUS 321 Principles of Marketing3MKTG 301 Principles of MarketingLCSC
BLAW 265 Legal Environment of Business3BUS 202 The Legal Environment of BusinessUI
COMM 101 Fundamentals of Oral Communication3COMM 101 Fundamentals of Oral CommunicationFCLCSC
COMM 345 Intercultural Communication3COMM488 Studies in Communication and CultureLCSC
CS 120 Computer Science I4CS 121UI
CRIM 301 Criminological Theory3CJ 300XFUI
ECON 201 Principles of Macroeconomics3ECON 201 Principles of MacroeconomicsFSUI
ECON 202 Principles of Microeconomics3ECON 202 Principles of MicroeconomicsFSUI
ECON 343 Money and Banking3ECON 301 Money and BankingUI
ENGL 101 Writing and Rhetoric I (Pass/Fail)3ENGL 101 Writing and Rhetoric IFWUI
ENGL 102 Writing and Rhetoric II3ENGL 102 Writing and Rhetoric IIFWLCSC
ENGL 175 Literature and Ideas3ENGL 175 Literature and IdeasFHLCSC
ENGL 277 American Literature I3ENGL 277 Survey of American Literature ILCSC
ENGL 278 American Literature II3ENGL 278 Survey of American Literature IILCSC
ENGL 313 Business Writing3BUSCOM 201 Global Business CommunicationUI
ENGL 317 Technical Writing3COMM 300XFC or WRITE212FCUI
EPPN 154 Microbiology and the World Around Us3BIOL 100XFN*FNCredit does not include a labUI
ENVS 101 Introduction to Environmental Science3ENVSTD 121 Introduction to the EnvironmentFNCredit does not include a labUI
FCS 346 Personal and Family Finance and Management4FINAN 208 Personal FinanceUI
FCS 428 Housing America’s Families3SOC 400XFUI
FCS 448 Consumer Economic Issues3ECON 400XFUI
FN 205 Concepts in Human Nutrition3HLTH 207 NutritionUI
GEOL 102 Historical Geology3GEOL 102FNUI
GEOL 102L Historical Geology Lab1GEOL 100XFNFNUI
HCA 2210 Medical Terminology and Communication2HLTH 101 Medical TerminologyISU
HIST 101 World History I (Before 1650)3HIST 101 World History IFSUI
HIST 102 World History II (1650 to Present)3HIST 102 World History IIFSUI
HIST 111 United States History I (Before 1877)3HIST 111 United States History IFSUI
HIST 112 United States History II (1877 to Present)3HIST 112 United States History IIFSUI
HIST 180 Introduction to East Asian History3HIST 100XFS or HIST 121 Asian History from Antiquity to the PresentFSUI
HIST 461 Idaho and the Pacific Northwest3HIST 400XFSFSUI
HIST 462 History of the American West3HIST 342 History of the American WestFSUI
HUM 101 The Art and History of the Motion Picture3FILM 220 Cinema History and AestheticsFALCSC
ID 300U Women in the 20th Century3INTDIS 300XFLCSC
KIN 370 Motor Learning/Motor Development3KINES 375 Human Growth and Motor LearningLCSC
KIN 486 Organization & Administration of Health, Physical Education, Recreation, Athletics3KINES 455 Organization and Administration of Physical EducationLCSC
LIBS 410/510 Libraries and Their Collections: Materials Selection3GENED 400XFUI
LIBS 413 Computer Applications in Libraries3GENED 400XFUI
LIBS 414/514 Reference and Information Services3GENED 400XFUI
LIBS 418/518 Classification and Cataloging3GENED 400XFUI
LIBS 425/525 School Library Administration, Leadership, and Management3GENED 400XFUI
LIBS 427 Library and Media Center Practicum3GENED 400XFUI
LIBS 430 Children’s Literature for Teacher Librarians3GENED 400XFUI
LIBS 431 Adolescent Literature for Teacher Librarians3GENED 400XFUI
LIBS 433 Information Literacy for the Teacher Librarian3GENED 400XFUI
MATH 108 Intermediate Algebra3MATH 108 Intermediate AlgebraUI
MATH 123 Math in Modern Society3MATH 123FMUI
MATH 143 College Algebra3MATH 143 College AlgebraFMUI
MATH 144 Analytic Trigonometry1MATH 144 Precalculus II: Trigonometric FunctionsUI
MATH 160 Survey of Calculus4MATH 160 Survey of CalculusFMUI
MATH 170 Calculus I4MATH 170 Calculus IFMUI
MATH 1153 Statistical Reasoning3MATH 153 Statistical ReasoningFMISU
SPAN 101 Elementary Spanish I4SPANISH 101 Elementary Spanish IFHUI
SPAN 102 Elementary Spanish II4SPANISH 102 Elementary Spanish IIFHUI
SPAN 201 Intermediate Spanish I4SPANISH 201 Intermediate Spanish IFHUI
SPAN 202 Intermediate Spanish I4SPANISH 202 Intermediate Spanish IIFHUI
MUSI 100 Introduction to Music3MUSI 100 Introduction to MusicFAUI
MUSH 201 History of Rock and Roll3MUS 200XFAFAUI
PHIL 103 Introduction to Ethics3PHIL 103 Introduction to EthicsFHUI
PHYS 111 General Physics I3PHYS 100XFN* UI
PHYS 112 General Physics II3PHYS 100XFN* UI
PHYS 1100 Essentials of Physics4PHYS 100XFNFNISU
PHYS 1152 Descriptive Astronomy3PHYS 105 Stars and CosmologyFN*Credit does not include a labISU
PHYS 1153 Descriptive Astronomy Laboratory1PHYS 105 Stars and CosmologyFN*Credit does not include a labISU
POLS 101 American National Government3POLS 101 American National GovernmentFSUI
PSYC 101 Introduction to Psychology3PSYC 101 Introduction to PsychologyFSUI
PSYC 300 Statistical Methods3PSYC 295 Statistical MethodsLCSC
PSYC 305 Developmental Psychology3PSYC 309 Child DevelopmentUI
PSYC 311 Abnormal Psychology3PSYC 301 Abnormal PsychologyUI
PSYC 360 Positive Psychology3PSYC 300XFUI
PSYC 372 Physiological Psychology3PSYC 335 Biological Bases of BehaviorUI
PSYC 385 Research Methods3PSYC 321 Research MethodsLCSC
PSYC 390 Psychology of Learning3PSYC 441 LearningUI
PSYC 410 Sports Psychology3PSYC 400XFLCSC
PSYC 415 History and Systems of Psychology3PSYC 487 Capstone Perspectives: History and systemsUI
PSYC 470/570 Introduction to Chemical Addictions3PSYC 400XFUI
PSYC 472/572 Introduction to the Pharmacology of Psychoactive Drugs3PSYC 400XFUI
PSYC 473/573 Blood and Airborne Pathogens: HIV/STDs/Hepatitis/TB3PSYC 400XFUI
PSYC 474/574 Record Keeping and Case Management in Chemical Addictions Counseling3PSYC 400XFUI
PSYC 475/581 Professional Ethics in Addictions Counseling3PSYC 400XFUI
PSYC 476/576 Relapse Prevention in Chemical Addictions Counseling3PSYC 400XFUI
PSYC 478/578 Individual & Group Therapy Techniques in Chemical Addictions Counseling3PSYC 400XFUI
PSYC 482/582 Client Screening, Assessment, and Placement3PSYC 400XFUI
SOC 101 Introduction to Sociology3SOC 101 How Society Really Works: An Introduction to SociologyFSUI
SOC 230 Social Problems3SOC 102 Social ProblemsFSUI
STAT 427 R Programming3MATH 400XFUI
THEA 101 Introduction to the Theatre3THEA 101 Introduction to TheatreFAUI
Note: courses ending with XF are electives.
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