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Articulation Agreements

Please note: Articulation agreements are contingent upon the completion of an associate of arts, associate of science, or core certification upon transfer.

2024-2025 Idaho





Standards of Evaluation

Boise State University relies on the following accrediting associations standards to evaluate and accept academic college-level credits and grades earned by transfer students:

Transfer Course Evaluation

Transfer courses are evaluated on a course-by-course basis as either elective credit or as equivalent to specific courses.

  • If you are a student at either the College of Southern Idaho (CSI) or the College of Western Idaho (CWI), you are encouraged to sign up for the BroncoConnect program.
  • Your academic requirements are determined by the catalog published the year you enroll at Boise State.
  • The University Foundations courses may also count towards major requirements. If there is a University Foundations course required in your major, it will be preceded by the Foundational Studies designation in parentheses.
  • Courses transfer to Boise State on the same level (lower- or upper-division) as taken at the original institution. In the cases where a lower-division course transfers to Boise State as equivalent to an upper-division course, the student will be given credit for having completed the course, but the credits will not count toward the required 40 credits of upper-division coursework.