English and Math Placement Exam Information
English Placement Exams
All students seeking a baccalaureate degree complete at least six credits in first-year writing. To successfully complete the First-Year Writing Requirement, you must complete ENGL 101 and 102 (or their equivalents) with a grade of C- or higher, or demonstrate writing proficiency as outlined in the following table.
Table of College First-Year Writing Requirements
Note: All students must complete The Write Class, regardless of eligibility for receiving credit based on measures listed in the provided table. To receive credit for ENGL 101 and ENGL 102 based on ACT or SAT scores, students must complete the Receiving Credit for English Composition Based on Test Scores form and submit it to the Registrar’s Office.
Course Selection
Boise State University uses an online assessment tool, The Write Class, to place all students in the appropriate first-year writing course. Before your orientation session (and before you are able to register for a first-year writing course), you need to complete The Write Class. Results take up to 72 hours to process. You may need to access your results during your orientation session.
International and English as an Additional Language Students
If you are an international student attending Boise State on an F-1 student visa, you are required to take the English Writing Assessment (EWA). It is recommended that you take the EWA if you learned English as an additional language. For more information and to take the EWA, visit English Writing Assessment.
Transfer Students
If you have transferred English composition courses from another institution to Boise State, the Registrar’s Office will determine whether your courses satisfy all or part of the First-Year Writing Course Requirement. If you have further questions about first-year writing transfer equivalencies, the First-Year Writing Program can provide information about options. For further information, please see the FAQs about Placement.
For More Information on First Year Writing
For further information on first-year writing courses or transfer issues, contact the First-Year Writing Program Office, Liberal Arts Building, Room 256.
- Preferred contact: fywp@boisestate.edu
- Secondary contact: (208) 426-4209
Questions about Placement
For questions about placement, contact the placement manager.
- Preferred contact: FYWPlacement@boisestate.edu