How does accepting the Western Undergraduate Exchange (WUE) affect establishing Idaho residency?
If you are offered and accept the Western Undergraduate Exchange (WUE) scholarship, you cannot count the time you receive the WUE toward establishing residency. The WUE is a program for inter-state tuition exchange among the western states. It requires you to maintain residency in your home state while receiving assistance. You must be domiciled in Idaho for 12 consecutive months prior to the opening day of the semester while not receiving the WUE to be eligible to gain residency status for fee paying purposes.
How does my enrollment at Boise State affect my ability to establish residency?
A student who is enrolled for more than eight (8) hours in any semester or quarter during a twelve (12) month period shall be presumed to be in Idaho for primarily educational purposes. Such period of enrollment shall not be counted toward the establishment of a bona fide domicile in this state unless the student proves, in fact, establishment of a bona fide domicile in this state primarily for purposes other than educational.
Se presumirá que un estudiante que esté matriculado durante más de ocho (8) horas en cualquier semestre o trimestre durante un período de doce (12) meses se encuentra en Idaho con fines principalmente educativos. Dicho período de inscripción no se contará para el establecimiento de un domicilio de buena fe en este estado a menos que el estudiante demuestre, de hecho, el establecimiento de un domicilio de buena fe en este estado principalmente para fines distintos a los educativos.
How does the GEM scholarship affect establishing my Idaho residency?
The GEM scholarship does not affect your ability to establish Idaho residency for fee paying purposes. However, you will want to check with our Financial Aid office about how actively establishing residency in Idaho might affect your scholarship.
How is financial support defined?
“Support” means financial support given to the student during the twelve (12) months preceding the opening date of the term for which resident status is requested, but shall not include educational scholarships or grants provided to the student to attend a post-secondary educational institution. Any student who receives less than fifty percent (50%) support may demonstrate this by showing that he is not claimed as a dependent by a parent or guardian for income tax purposes or that a parent or guardian provides less than fifty percent (50%) of the cost of attending an institution according to the financial aid office of that institution or that other similar evidence exists of parental support such as dental bills, medical bills, etc.
“Apoyo” significa apoyo financiero brindado al estudiante durante los doce (12) meses anteriores a la fecha de apertura del período para el cual se solicita el estatus de residente, pero no incluirá becas o subsidios educativos otorgados al estudiante para asistir a un programa educativo postsecundario institución. Cualquier estudiante que reciba menos del cincuenta por ciento (50%) de manutención puede demostrarlo demostrando que no es reclamado como dependiente por un padre o tutor para fines del impuesto sobre la renta o que un padre o tutor proporciona menos del cincuenta por ciento (50%). del costo de asistir a una institución según la oficina de ayuda financiera de esa institución o que exista otra evidencia similar del apoyo de los padres, como facturas dentales, facturas médicas, etc.
What does domicile mean?
Domicile refers to an individual’s permanent home where personal household belongings are located. It is the place where the individual intends to remain and expects to return to when leaving without establishing a new home elsewhere.
Domicilio se refiere al hogar permanente de una persona donde se encuentran sus pertenencias personales. Es el lugar donde el individuo pretende permanecer y al que espera regresar cuando se marcha sin establecer un nuevo hogar en otro lugar.
Who do I contact with Idaho Residency Questions?
Josh Wilkins
Senior Coordinator, Customer Service and Residency
Boise State Registrar’s Office
Idaho State Board of Education—Idaho Residence for Tuition Purposes webpage