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Student Records

Frequently Asked Questions

What are Student Records?

Boise State University routinely collects, stores, and maintains many kinds of information about prospective, current, and former students. For instance, Admissions maintains a file for each student who has applied for admission to the university for a period of two to five years (See Admissions for details). Other files at the Registrar’s Office contain your permanent transcript. Faculty and departments also may maintain files containing advising records, grades sheets, and correspondence.

In general, you have the right to review the documents that constitute your official record. If you wish to do so, please contact the Registrar’s Office, Administration Building, Room 110, (208) 426-4249.

Transcript Records

You may order official transcripts online through myBoiseState. The Registrar’s Office makes every effort to ensure that your transcript records are up-to-date and accurate. If you believe there is an error or an omission on your transcript, please contact the Registrar’s Office, Administration Building, Room 110, (208) 426-4249.

Verification of your Enrollment Status

Your enrollment status is public information, unless you have notified the university that you want it to be treated as confidential (see Confidentiality and Privacy). In responding to inquiries from outside the university, Boise State calculates your enrollment status per the provided table. Requests for verification of enrollment status often come from such businesses as employment agencies, insurance companies, and lending agencies.

Schedule Used to Determine Enrollment Status (in Response to Outside Inquiries)

Number of Credits
(currently enrolled)
Enrollment Status
12 or more Full-Time
9 to 11 Three-Quarter-Time
6 to 8 Half-Time
5 or fewer Less than Half-Time

Note: If you are receiving benefits under the G.I. Bill, you should contact the Veteran’s Services Office at (208) 426-1505, to determine your enrollment status.
Exceptions for student body officers and student editors are outlined in Idaho State Board of Education Policy.

Student Classification

The university classifies each student according to the definitions provided in the following table.

Student Classification

Classification Definition
Freshman Has earned 0 to 25 credits
Sophomore Has earned 26 to 57 credits. Sophomore is the maximum classification for students in associate or certificate programs.
Junior Has earned 58 to 89 credits.
Senior Has earned 90 or more credits or is pursuing a second baccalaureate degree.
Graduate Has earned a baccalaureate degree, has been admitted to the Graduate College, and is pursuing a graduate degree.

Major Changes

If you are a student seeking a baccalaureate degree, you must declare a major field of study by the time you are classified as a junior. You will be classified a junior when 58 credits have been earned.

For your convenience, if you are a student who has not yet selected a major field of study (undeclared), you can declare a major by logging on to your myBoiseState and selecting Change My Major. For more information, contact the Registrar’s Office, Administration Building, Room 110, (208) 426-4249.

Address Changes

Whenever Boise State University policies or procedures call for a university office to send you a written notification, that obligation is fulfilled when that office mails the notification to your last mailing address on record. If you are currently enrolled or have access to a myBoiseState account, you must update address information on myBoiseState on your Student Center (under the update personal information tile, select Addresses). If you are a former student, and do not have access to a myBoiseState account, submit a Student Information Update form to the Registrar’s Office, Administration Building, Room 110.

Name Changes

You should promptly report a name change. You may do so by completing a Student Name Update form and returning the form to the Registrar’s Office, Administration Building, Room 110. You must provide evidence showing that your name has officially changed, such as a drivers license or Social Security card.

If you are currently employed by the university (even as a student employee), you must report your name change to the Department of Human Resource Services, 2525 W. University Drive, Capitol Village #3, Room 120, (208) 426-1616 (documentation requirements may differ).

Preferred Name

You may choose to use a preferred name while in attendance. Update your preferred name (first and middle) in Personal Information, myBoiseState Student Center. Multiple systems within the university utilize preferred names (e.g., myBoiseState, Canvas, Student Housing, class rosters.). Your username and email account may also be generated to match your preferred name. All official documents, academic records (i.e., transcripts) and university reports use only your primary or legal name.

To update your username and email to match your preferred name, use the Student Name Update form. In the Name Change section be sure to select the box that says “Update my username and email address to my new preferred name” and return to the Registrar’s Office, Administration Building, Room 110.

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