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Workshop Request Form

Workshop Request Form

Step 1 of 3

Use this form to request the scheduling of workshops, both individual sections and combined sections.
For combined workshop requests, please have the department that owns the content submit one request that will cover all sections being combined. All combinations must be approved by department chairs.
Fall and Spring workshop questions should be directed to
Summer workshop questions should be directed to
Requester Name(Required)
Must be department scheduler or department chair.
Ensure you are using your Boise State Email Address
Term the Workshop will be Offered(Required)
Will this workshop be combined with other subjects?(Required)
Combined sections are two or more classes taught as a single class to allow for the same meeting pattern, room, and instructor.
Subject and Course Number(Required)
Subject (COMM, SPAN, MATH, etc.)
Course Number (294, 494, or 594)
Primary Subject and Course Number(Required)
The primary subject is the workshop’s content owner.
294 and 594 may not be combined unless 494 is also included.
Subject (COMM, SPAN, MATH, etc.)
Course Number (294, 494, or 594)
Other Subjects and Course Numbers(Required)
Use the plus sign to list the other subjects and course numbers in your combination.
294 and 594 may not be combined unless 494 is also included.
Subject (COMM, SPAN, MATH, etc.)
Course Number (294, 494, or 594)
If combined sections, please list the combined capacity.
Please enter a number from 0 to 999.
Workshop Delivery Mode(Required)
Main campus, Basque Center, Celebration Park, etc.
Regular Session1st 5-week2nd 5-week3rd 5-week1st 7-week2nd 7-week1st 10-week2nd 10-weekSpecial Session
1st 3-week2nd 3-week1st 5-week2nd 5-week1st 7-week2nd 7-week10-week14-weekSpecial Session
Workshop Dates(Required)
List the dates your workshop will be held.
Use the plus sign to add more dates.
Workshop Meeting Pattern and Times(Required)
Use the plus sign to add more days of the week.
Must meet contact hours for credits.
1 credit = 15 student contact hours
2 credits = 30 student contact hours
3 credits = 45 student contact hours
Day of the week
Start Time (with AM/PM)
End Time (with AM/PM)
Grading Basis(Required)
Instructor Name(Required)
Is there a co-instructor?(Required)
First Name
Last Name
Employee ID
Is there a secondary instructor?(Required)
Secondary Instructor(s)(Required)
First Name
Last Name
Employee ID
Does this workshop need a classroom?(Required)
e.g. movable tables and chairs, specific technology.
Does this workshop involve a field trip?(Required)
Type of Transportation(Required)
Do you need Extended Studies to help reserve transportation?(Required)
If you select yes, we will contact you for details.
Does this workshop require a textbook?(Required)
NOTE: The academic department or instructor is responsible for placing textbook orders for each course section and all cross-listings with the Boise State Bookstore.
Will you need printed copies of materials for this workshop?(Required)
Instructor is responsible for having copies made at Boise State’s Printing and Graphic Services. An account number for the expense will be provided to Printing and Graphics.
Do You Need Additional Support?
Room type preferences, walking intensive info, location passes, other miscellaneous details.
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