Faculty and Staff Forms
Academic Adjustment
This form is used to waive a graduation requirement (may require an appeal) or substitute a transferred course for a graduation requirement. The Academic Adjustment form is an electronic form that requires you to log in with your username and password. The form can be initiated by a student or advisor.
Academic Adjustment for Transfer Credit
This form is used to create a rule for transfer equivalencies. This form is an electronic form that requires you to log in with your username and password. The form can be initiated by a student or advisor.
Academic Adjustment eForm Security
This form requests a change in who can review an electronic academic adjustment or transfer credit adjustment. If you are not the chair or dean of your program, this will need to be authorized before the change is made.
Authorized Signatures
Use this form to acquire dean or chair authorization on a variety of forms.
Classroom or Computer Lab Classroom Reservation Request
This form is used to schedule one time events in general assignment academic and computer lab classrooms.
Credit for Prior Learning
This form is used to obtain academic credit when a student challenges a class, has passed a higher level class and wants the prerequisite(s) for that class, or has a portfolio showing competency in a class. The Credit for Prior Learning Form should be submitted by a department on behalf of a student.
Department Memorandum
This form is used by a department or program head to make program requirement changes to prior catalogs. Changes to future program requirements must be done with a curriculum change request
Faculty Initiated Withdrawal
Faculty may drop a student from a course for failure to attend class. Forms must be completed and submitted to the Registrar’s Office by the “Last date to Register or Waitlist Without Permission Number” deadline. Date varies by session, see the Academic Calendar for details – 5th day of class for Regular Session courses. See policy.
Honor Society, Student Organizations, and Groups
This form is used by student organizations to submit a formal query request for student data.
International Administrative Drop Form
This form is used to administratively drop students from classes.
Recommendation for Awarding a Posthumous Degree or Certificate (PDF)
This form is used by academic departments to recommend the awarding of a posthumous degree or certificate.
Recommendation for Awarding a Posthumous Degree or Certificate (PDF)
Request Access to or Create Student Group(s)
This form is used by staff to request security access to view or edit a student group. It is also used to request a new student group be created.
Request a Change in Access to Online Class Scheduling Tool
Form to request access to the online class scheduling tool to schedule academic courses for a department. For academic department chair use only.
Request a Change in Access to Permission Numbers
This form is used by academic departments to request a change in who can access a department’s permission numbers.
Request for Additional Permission Numbers
This form is used by academic departments to request additional permission numbers for a class.
Request for an Exception to the Standard Meeting Times/Days
This form is used by academic departments to request an exception to the standard meeting time policy for classes that are unable to be scheduled within the standard times.
Request to Change a Grade
This form is to change a grade after the official grading deadline has passed.
Schedule Change Request for Fall/Spring
This form is used by academic departments to make changes to an existing class/section, add new class(es) or cancel class(es). This form is to be used once the class schedule has been published on the web.
Schedule Change Request Form for Extended Studies (Summer Sessions, eCampus, and Regional Sites)
This form is used by academic departments to add, cancel, or make changes to Extended Studies classes.
Schedule Change Request Form for Extended Studies (Summer Sessions, eCampus, and Regional Sites)
Second Baccalaureate Degree Transfer Credit Request
This form is used for second degree seeking students who work directly with the department of their degree to use prior courses as prerequisites for their current program.
Student Records Query Request—Military Recruiters
This form is used by Military Recruiters to submit a formal query request for student data.
Student Records Query Request—Registrar’s Office
This form is used by Boise State faculty and staff to submit a formal query request for student data.
Workshop Request
This form is to request the set up of individual subject workshops or workshops to be combined with other subjects.