The following information is provided to supplement the general degree requirements information.
These two pages will help you learn about the requirements you must meet to earn a particular degree at Boise State:
- Obtaining a Degree—explains the general requirements for all undergraduate degrees.
- Majors and Minors—is devoted to the department or other academic unit that offers the degree you are interested in obtaining. Use the table to find a degree that you are interested in. That degree’s requirement table will explain requirements specific to that degree.
The table below is a typical degree requirements table. You should carefully review this table and the explanations of its elements before you being planning how you will meet the requirements for your degree. And, you should consult with your advisor and with other faculty members within the department offering your major.
Degree Requirements Table
University Foundations (UF) Courses
Courses with a UF (University Foundations) prefix introduce a diversity of intellectual pursuits, encourage a critical stance toward learning, and equip you with university-level analytic and communication skills.

Foundations of Writing (FW)
This two semester, six-credit sequence provides an introduction to the university’s expectations about academic writing and research. The program is coordinated by the English Department’s First-Year Writing Program. You will be placed in appropriate courses based on test scores.

Foundations of Oral Communications (FC) Courses
You must successfully complete a Foundations of Oral Communication (FC) course. FC courses focus on on Oral Communication, providing an introduction to the university’s expectations for effective speaking and listening.

Foundations of the Discipline
All students are required to take a number of Foundations of the Discipline (FM, FN, FA, FH and FS) courses. These courses are offered by academic departments and designed to expose non-majors to the distinctive methods and perspectives of a disciplinary cluster. The distribution requirements for Foundations of the Discipline courses reflect the belief of the faculty and the Idaho State Board of Education that a major purpose of undergraduate education is to prepare graduates to fulfill the responsibilities of a citizen and to understand and appreciate diverse approaches to information and values. Some departments and programs require specific Foundations of the Discipline courses.

Finishing Foundations (FF) Courses
You must successfully complete a Finishing Foundations (FF) capstone course designated by your major department. Finishing Foundations courses range from 1-3 credits and are meant to be taken close to graduation; they are designed to bridge academic knowledge with applications expected by graduates. They emphasize Critical Inquiry, Written and Oral Communication, plus Teamwork and/or Innovation. They are identified with FF in the course description.

Major Specific Courses
Each table will display courses specific to that major. Some will be shown as a single course requirement, or as groups. A group will show a list of courses which are all required, or courses from which you must choose one or more.

Upper-division Credits
All baccalaureate degrees require at least 40 credit hours of upper- division courses. This is not an additional 40 credits, but of the 120 total required for a baccalaureate degree, 40 credits must be 300 level or higher. Some majors fulfill this automatically, but this major does not. So, you may need to take additional upper-division courses chosen from any discipline.

120 Credit Minimum
You must complete at least 120 credits for any baccalaureate degree. A few majors fulfill this automatically, but for this most majors you will need to take some additional electives. For restrictions on these elective credits, more information can be found at Catalog: Credit Limitations.