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Redfish Environmental Data Institute

Why an Environmental Data Institute?

The environmental challenges that Idaho and the world face – maintaining water quantity and quality, supporting biodiversity, and managing lands for multiple uses – are only growing ever more complicated. Perhaps growing even faster is the volume of data available to help better understand and address these challenges. Effectively using this data to solve environmental challenges requires partnerships between researchers and practitioners to understand knowledge gaps and identify potential solutions.

Our mission is to create knowledge and facilitate relationships that lead to innovative and equitable solutions in environmental management by building a community of practitioners that value stakeholder engagement, actionable research, and professional development of the next generation of problem-solvers.

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Who We Are

We are interdisciplinary individuals from across Boise State and practitioners from across Idaho who are seeking ways to integrate diverse types of knowledge to advance our understanding of complex environmental systems.

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What We Do

We have active research projects with collaborators within and outside of the university, and a repository of associated data, code, visualizations and publications.

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We are always looking for new collaborators and people that are interested in additional use cases for our data and resources! Find out more about our areas of expertise, events, updates and contact information here.

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