How To:
Becoming a User
- Go to
- Click “Login.”
- From the web portal, you have two options:Select the Gray box if you are a Boise State student, faculty, or staff member.Select the BLUE box if you are a spouse or a community member at the Student Recreation Center.
- Log in using either your Boise State credentials or your Campus Recreation credentials.
- You will have to answer some questions (birthday, year in school, etc. From there, your account should be created!
How to Create a Team
- Click on the sport you would like to play.
- Select the league you would like to play in (example: CoRec, Men’s, Women’s).
- Scroll through and select what time you would like to play and select “+ Create Team” under that time selection.
- You will be directed to a waiver screen that asks for a team name, ID number, and contact information.
- Click “Create Team” at the bottom, and you are all set!
How to Invite IMLeagues Users to Join Your Team
- On your created team, scroll to where it says “roster” and click the “+ Invite” button on the right side.
- If they already have an IMLeagues account, you can search for their name. If not, you can enter their email in the first box. You may enter multiple names, just be sure to separate them by a comma or “tab.”
- Once you enter all the names, click “send invitations” at the bottom. Invitations will show up as “Pending” until they are accepted.
How to Join as a Free Agent
- Select what sport you would like to play on IMLeagues.
- Select the league you would like to play (example: CoRec, Men’s, Women’s).
- On the top of the screen, you will see a bar of options. Select the “Free Agent” tab.
- On the next screen, select “Join as Free Agent.”
- Complete the waiver, enter your student ID, and enter any additional information on the next screen.
- When you are finished, click “Post Listing.”
- After you have registered, be on the lookout for teams who have marked “Free Agents Wanted.” You can find this information under the league, and then the last column on each team’s information.
Adding a Free Agent to a Team
Team Captains will need to request a selected “Free Agent” to be added to their team. That “Free Agent” will need to accept the request before being added to the team.
Injury Suspensions
If somebody gets a head injury that we require clearance for, they must get clearance from a doctor and/or Campus Rec Athletic Trainer.
Sport Suspensions
All Incident Reports and/or Ejections will result in a sport suspension to that player. That player must meet the Eject Board prior to participating in Intramural Sports again. Contact the Rec Sports Coordinator for more information.