The REU-RR site, research, and/or students are featured in the following linked media.
Video: REU-RR 2019 Barn Owl and Burrowing Owl Research
Video: REU-RR Osprey Banding and Measurements
Science Daily Article on Eagle Migration
Sierra Club Article on Young Eagle Movement
National Student Awards
Best Student Paper Awards

Stephanie Szarmach. Northern goshawk (Accipiter gentilis) genetic diversity and connectivity among the naturally fragmented forests of the northern Great Basin, U.S.A. William C. Andersen Award for Best Student Poster, 2014 Annual Meeting of the Raptor Research Foundation, Corpus Christi, TX.
Jilma Rachel Guinea, Characteristics of reproductive habitat for harpy eagles in Darien Province, Panama. 2014 National Conference for Society for Advancement of Chicaos/Latinos and Native Americans in Science (SACNAS), Los Angeles, CA.
Claire Nellis, Physiological and behavioral effects of ectoparasites: Does being bugged cause stress in burrowing owls? William C. Andersen Award for Best Student Poster, 2015 Annual Meeting of the Raptor Research Foundation, Sacramento, CA.
Aidan Branney, Burrowing owls, common ravens, and power transmission lines in the Morley Nelson Snake River Birds of Prey National Conservation Area, Idaho. William C. Andersen Award for Best Student Poster, 2016 Annual Meeting of the Raptor Research Foundation, Cape May, NJ.
Kara Moran, Investigation of the geographic origin of burrowing owl fleas with implications for the ecology of plague. William C. Andersen Award for Best Student Poster, 2017 Annual Meeting of the Raptor Research Foundation, Salt Lake City, UT.
James Jarrett, Plumage variation in nestling barn owls: Patterns of pheomelanin and eumelanin pigmentation differ between males and females. William C. Andersen Award for Best Student Poster, 2019 Annual Meeting of the Raptor Research Foundation, Fort Collins, CO.
Graduate Research Fellowship Program (GRFP)
- Leticia Camacho, Boise State University – 2021
- Ty Styhl, University of Idaho – 2017
Journal Publications
(REU-Raptor Research student authors in bold)
Bonner, Sophie R., S.A. Poessel, J.C. Brandt, M.T. Astell, J.R. Belthoff, and T.E. Katzner. 2022. Drivers of flight performance of California condors (Gymnogyps californianus). J. Raptor Research 56: 17-27.
Belthoff, J.R., Andrew A. Elgin, Kara A. Navock, and S.A. Bernhardt. 2021. Burrowing owls as potential phoretic hosts of ground squirrel fleas during a plague epiozootic. J. of Vector Ecology 46: 48-56.
Dudek, B.M., Michael T. Henderson, S.F. Hudon, E.J. Hayden, and J.A. Heath. 2021. Haematophagous ectoparasites lower survival of and have detrimental physiological effects on golden eagle nestlings. Conservation Physiology 9(1): coab060.
Hudon, S.F., E.P. Hurtado, J.D. Beck, S.J. Burden, D.P. Bendixsen, Kathleen R. Callery, J. Forbey, L.P. Waits, R.A. Miller, O.K. Nielsen, J.A. Heath, and E.J. Hayden. 2021. Primers to highly conserved elements optimized for qPCR-based telomere length measurement in vertebrates. Molecular Ecology Resources 21: 59-67.

Kenney, Macy, J.R. Belthoff, M. Carling, T. Miller, and T. Katzner. 2020. Spatial and temporal patterns in age structure of golden eagles (Aqulia chrysaetos) wintering in eastern North America. Journal of Field Ornithology 91(1): 92-101.
Navock, Kara A., D.H. Johnson, S. Evans, M.J. Kohn, and J.R. Belthoff. 2019. Investigation of the geographic origin of burrowing owl fleas with implications for ecology of plague. The Auk: Ornithological Advances 136: 1-12.

Askelson, Kenneth K., R.A. Miller, J.D. Carlisle, G.S. Kaltenecker, J.F. Smith, and S. Bayard De Volo. 2019. Unusual northern goshawk mtDNA haplotype found in Rocky Mountains. Journal of Raptor Research 53: 358-360.
Rus, Adrian, I., A.E. Duerr, T.A. Miller, J.R. Belthoff and T. Katzner. 2017. Counterintuitive roles of experience and weather on migratory performance. The Auk: Ornithological Advances 134: 485-497.
Szarmach, Stephanie J., Kenneth K. Askelson, R.A. Miller, J.D. Carlisle, G.S. Kaltenecker, M. Arshad, J.F. Smith, and A.J. Roles. In Revision. Northern goshawk (Accipiter gentilis) genetic diversity and connectivity among the naturally fragmented forests of the northern Great Basin, USA. Journal of Raptor Research.