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Student Research Experiences

The Raptor Research Center at Boise State University hosts three unique student research programs: Soaring Scholarships for Undergraduate Research, International Research Experiences for Students – Raptor Research (IRES-RR), and Research Experiences for Undergraduates – Raptor Research (REU-RR). Each offers paid, faculty-mentored research experiences for STEM students.

Soaring Scholarships for Undergraduate Research

Soaring Scholarships are offered on a competitive basis for Boise State undergraduate students pursuing research that relates to, or benefits, raptor ecology and/or conservation in some way.

Explore Soaring Scholarships

International Research Experiences for Students – Raptor Research (IRES-RR)

Boise State University’s IRES-RR program, funded by the National Science Foundation and Boise State University, hosts up to five selected graduate or undergraduate students each year for a summer research experience in Spain focused on raptors and other large, soaring birds in relation to a changing climate.

Explore IRES-RR

Research Experiences for Undergraduates – Raptor Research (REU-RR)

The Boise State University REU-RR site, funded by the National Science Foundation and Boise State University, hosts up to ten undergraduate students for summer research in Idaho focused on birds of prey.

Explore REU-RR
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