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RRC Equipment Checkout Form

Use this form to request the use of equipment already owned by the Boise State University Raptor Research Center (RRC).

A copy of the form will be sent to the requestor’s advisor/supervisor/PI if the requestor is not an advisor or PI.

If needing equipment that the RRC does not own, advisors/supervisors may submit an RRC Equipment and Supply Order Form.

Requestor/Borrower Information

Requestor Name(Required)
Are you an advisor/supervisor or PI?(Required)

Equipment Specifics

Select the category that best describes most of the requested equipment.
(for your graduate or sponsored project research)
Items to be Borrowed(Required)
Be as specific as possible.
Item Needed
Preferred Options (size or other specifications)
Quantity Needed
Start Date for Equipment Use(Required)
End Date for Equipment Use(Required)

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