The Raptor Research Center (RRC) administers support from the state legislature for the Master of Science in Raptor Biology program. These state-appropriated funds provide teaching assistantships and research support to students and faculty associated with the Raptor Biology graduate degree program.

Student Financial Support
Raptor Biology graduate student teaching assistantships that include a stipend, tuition/fee waiver, and student health insurance are available on a competitive basis. Additional support for master’s research projects and students’ development may be available through faculty members. Plus, graduate students can access other forms of financial aid such as loans or the College Work-Study Program. Prospective students should contact the Boise State University Financial Aid Office and consult the Boise State University catalog.
The RRC provides all Raptor Biology graduate students with support toward participation in up to two professional meetings at which the students present the results of their research. Raptor Biology graduate students and students earning a Master of Science or Master of Arts in Biology have access to office space, computers, basic office services, and equipment to support student research through the RRC.
Additionally, the RRC administers student award opportunities to assist students financially during summer thesis work.
Research Awards
The RRC’s research, education, and conservation objectives are met with support from significant grant projects and cooperative agreements. For example, grants from entities such as the National Science Foundation and the Idaho Division of the Military enable the employment of professional staff members. Current grant-funded projects include surveying raptors and offering student raptor research experience opportunities.