The week of July 31, 2023, Eve Thomason’s (MS, Raptor Biology, ’23) thesis research was published in iScience. It described how illegal shooting, not electrocution, was the leading cause of death among raptors along power lines within four Western states. The publication led to the release of the news through multiple national outlets, with more to come. Follow links on this page to read more about the research by Thomason, Interim Raptor Research Center Director Jim Belthoff, Boise State University affiliate faculty Todd Katzner, and others. This research was supported by sponsored project funding from the U.S. Bureau of Land Management and Edison Electric Institute, Inc. (Avian Power Line Interaction Committee). Logistical support for this research was provided by Boise State Univerity’s Raptor Research Center.
This post was last updated September 7, 2023, with additional national, state, and local news links.
A Selection of National News Releases:
- Visit New York Times Article: Electrocution Isn’t the Main Thing Killing Birds Along Power Lines Note: link may be subject to a paywall.
- Read High Country News Article: People are shooting birds off power lines in the West Note: link may be subject to a paywall.
- See USGS National News Release: Illegal shooting along power lines a leading cause of death for bald eagles, protected birds in the West
- Read Homeland Security Today News Article: Illegal Shooting Along Power Lines a Leading Cause of Death for Bald Eagles, Protected Birds in the West
- Hear Thomason on NPR’s Here & Now: Thomason spoke about the research on National Public Radio’s Here & Now on August 7, 2023
Some State/Local News Releases:
- Read Idaho Capital Sun News Article: Power line electrocutions are no longer biggest threat to Idaho birds, Boise State study shows
- Read Idaho Statesman News Article: Idaho research on bird deaths leaves big question: Who’s gunning down protected species? Note: link may be subject to a paywall.
- Hear Thomason and Katzner on Idaho Matters: New study reveals startling cause of bird deaths on Boise State Public Radio’s Idaho Matters. Click the “Listen” button after you follow the link