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Department of Radiologic Sciences Application Information

The application for the BS Diagnostic Radiology, MRI, CT, Sonography, Interventional Radiology or Interventional Cardiology is comprised of the components and information listed below. Details about each step can be found in the next section on this page. All application components must be received by the department by March 1st at 4:00 PM MST.

Please use this list as a checklist to gather the information and documentation that you will need in order to complete an application to the program. Do not start the application form until you have gathered:

  1. Acceptance to Boise State University – You must have already applied and been accepted to Boise State University before applying to the Diagnostic Radiology, MRI, CT, Sonography, Interventional Radiology or Interventional Cardiology program. Apply to Boise State University online.
  2. Letter of Application – You will save your letter as a PDF document and upload it to the Diagnostic Radiology application form when prompted. See details and instructions in next section.
  3. Work and Volunteer History â€“ In the application form, you will be asked to list information about your work and volunteer positions, including dates worked, organization that you worked/volunteered for, and the position and responsibilities that you held.
  4. Higher Education History – In the application form, you will be asked to list all higher education institutions that you have attended and the dates of attendance. You will also be asked about any degrees you have already earned.
  5. Transcripts – Copies of all transcripts, official or unofficial, including Boise State’s, MUST be sent the department for this application to be properly processed by the application deadline. Details are in the next section.
  6. References – You will need to identify three references: an academic-related reference, a work-related reference and a general character reference. You will provide the names of your references when prompted in the application form. However, your references must mail or email their reference form to the department BY THE APPLICATION DEADLINE, on their own. Details, instructions and a link to the reference form are in the next section.
  7. Application Fee â€“ You will pay a $20 application fee for each program you are applying to. You will be directed to our secure online payment site after you submit your application form.

Application Instructions and Notes

Boise State Contact Information


You will be asked for your name and previous names – such as your maiden name or a previous married name. This is to help the department pair up your application, your references and your transcripts.

Additional Contact Information

You will also be asked to give a preferred phone number and a mailing address.

You will also be asked if you have applied to the Diagnostic Radiology program in the past. If you have applied in the past, please list the year of your last application.

PLEASE NOTE: It is the APPLICANT’S responsibility to keep the Department of Radiologic Sciences informed about any changes in your mailing address, phone number or Boise State e-mail address. The department may need to contact you regarding your application and/or qualifications prior to or after the deadline. If you need to update your contact information, please email Tara Person at You will also need to update your contact information in myBoiseState for other university communication.

Acceptance to Boise State

To apply Radiology, MRI, CT or Sonography program, you must already have applied and been accepted to Boise State University. This is a separate application process.

You will be asked to input your Boise State student ID number and your Boise State email, both of which are given to students once they are accepted to the university. All email communication about your application to the Diagnostic Radiology program will be sent to your Boise State email. You are expected to check this email account regularly.

Which program are you applying to?

Which program are you applying to?

Please check the program(s) that you are applying to.  In the next paragraph rank them in the order of your preference.

Remember, you will be charged an application fee for each program you check.

The following will help you choose the programs that you are eligible for and may want to apply to.

On Campus Programs

The following are options for on campus programs with clinicals in the Treasure Valley (The Treasure Valley includes locations around Boise, Nampa, Caldwell, Meridian, McCall, Fruitland, Mountain Home – Idaho or Ontario, Oregon):

  • Diagnostic Radiology
  • MRI – Bachelor’s Degree
  • Sonography – Bachelor’s Degree
  • Sonography – Certificate (MUST BE RT(R) OR RT(N) CREDENTIALED TO BE ELIGIBLE)
Online Programs

The following are options for online programs with clinicals outside of the Treasure Valley (The Treasure Valley includes locations around Boise, Nampa, Caldwell, Meridian, McCall, Fruitland, Mountain Home – Idaho or Ontario, Oregon):

  • MRI – Bachelor’s Degree
  • Sonography – Bachelor’s Degree
  • Sonography – Certificate (MUST BE RT(R) OR RT(N) CREDENTIALED TO BE ELIGIBLE)
  • Interventional Radiology – Bachelor’s Degree (MUST BE RT(R) CREDENTIALED TO BE ELIGIBLE)
  • Interventional Cardiology – Bachelor’s Degree
  • Interventional Radiology/Interventional Cardiology – Certificate (MUST BE CURRENTLY EMPLOYED IN AN INTERVENTIONAL SETTING TO BE ELIGIBLE)

Letter of Application

Formatting for Letter of Application

The application for admission to the BS Diagnostic Radiology, MRI, CT, Sonography, Interventional Radiology or Interventional Cardiology program requires a narrative Letter of Application for each program you are applying for.

Follow the formatting instructions listed below, save your letter as a PDF and upload it to the application form.

Your letter should be typed, double-spaced with 1 inch margins, using Times New Roman 12pt font.

The letter should be no longer than 3 pages in length.

The letter should be addressed to the Department of Radiology Program Admission Committee.

Your letter should reflect serious thought.

Please attach a cover page with your letter to include your name, but do not put your name in or on the actual letter.

Content Instructions for Letter of Application

Your letter should be addressed to the Diagnostic Radiology Program Admission Committee.

Your letter should reflect serious thought.

Items to include (but not limited to):

  • Please describe your motivation for pursuing a career in healthcare.
  • Explain how your interests and life experiences stimulated your interest in medical imaging.
  • Discuss your investigation of the field of medical imaging, specifically the program you are applying to.
  • Discuss how you will maximize your unique abilities to prosper in this program and become successful in the program you are applying to.
  • What short and long term goals do you have for your medical imaging career?

Please attach a cover page with your letter to include your name, but do not put your name in or on the actual letter.

Work and Volunteer History

You will be asked to list your work and volunteer positions, the organization for which you worked and the dates when you worked those positions. You may add a new row(s) to document multiple work or volunteer positions. If there are no work or volunteer positions to document, just type NA in the first row of fields and continue with the application.

Higher Education History

You will be asked to list all higher education institutions that you have attended and the dates of attendance. If you earned a degree, please list the degree earned at that institution. Add a new row to enter information for multiple higher education institutions.

You will also be asked to acknowledge that you must submit all transcripts, including Boise State’s, to the department outside the application form. Details on how to submit transcripts are included in the application form and in the Transcripts section on this page.


Copies of all transcripts, official or unofficial, including Boise State’s, MUST be sent into us for this application to be properly processed.

Course enrollment for the prior semester should also be included, if currently enrolled.

A transfer evaluation equivalency by another institution is not acceptable for a transcript.

Submit your transcript(s) to us email

Your application is not complete until all transcripts have been received by the department by the application deadline: 4:00 PM MST on March 1st.


Instructions for References

Three (3) references must be returned to the department BY THE ADMISSION DEADLINE (4:00 PM MST on March 1) using this reference form (pdf).

If you are applying to multiple programs, your three references will be used for all the programs you are applying to.

These references are closed, in that the individual filling out the form will return it directly to the department; the applicant does not have access to the completed reference form.

Each applicant should give the evaluator a copy of the reference form (pdf) and a stamped envelope addressed to:
Diagnostic Radiology Department Admission Committee
Boise State University
1910 University Drive
Boise ID 83725-1845

References can also be emailed to

References CANNOT be completed by relatives of the applicant and should be furnished by individuals who can speak to the abilities of the applicant.

References will be checked.

Your application is not complete until all three references have been received by the department by the application deadline: 4:00 PM MST on March 1. It is your responsibility to communicate this deadline to your references.

References Categories

The references must include one from each of the following categories:

  1. Your Academic-Related Reference should be an individual that can assess your academic ability to complete a rigorous program. This individual could be a prior or current teacher, academic advisor, work trainer, volunteer educator, etc. that knows you well enough to give appropriate information.
  2. Your Work-Related Reference should be an individual that has recent knowledge of your work ethic or employment abilities. This can be a current or past supervisor, employer, volunteer coordinator, etc.
  3. Your General Character Reference should be an individual who knows you well enough to give a recommendation on your personal and ethical characteristics. This can be a minister, co-worker, coach, etc.

References CANNOT be completed by relatives of the applicant and should be furnished by individuals who can speak to the abilities of the applicant.

Application Fee

$20 Application Fee

You are required to pay a $20 application fee. You will be directed to our secure online payment site after you submit your application form.

Your application is not complete until you have paid the application fee by the application deadline: 4:00 PM MST on March 1.

Additional Notes About the Application Form

Awareness and Consent

You will be asked to read a series of statements about the conditions and responsibilities of being accepted into a program within the Department of Radiologic Sciences. In order to continue the application, you must state that you agree to each statement. If you have questions about any of these statements, please contact Tara Person, Administrative Assistant for the Department of Radiologic Sciences at (208) 426-1996 between 8:00 AM and 4:00 PM MST Monday through Friday or email Tara at

Next Steps After Submitting Your Application Form

Once you have submitted your application form, you will be redirected to a Next Steps page with reminders about what must be submitted outside the application form and a button to take you to our secure online payment page to pay your $20 application fee. You will also receive a confirmation email with these reminders and link at your Boise State email address.

Remember your application is not complete until the department has received your:

  1. Application Form
  2. Transcripts
  3. Three Reference Forms
  4. $20 Application Fee

All items must be received by the application deadline, 4:00 PM MST on March 1.

Eligibility for Certification

For Your Information:

The American Registry of Radiologic Technologists (ARRT) holds applicants for certification and certified professionals to a high ethical standard.  All applicants and R.T.s must comply with the ARRT Standards of Ethics and Rules of Ethics.  The following are examples of what must be reported to the ARRT:

  1. Charges or convictions of a crime, including misdemeanors or felonies.  This includes judgements that were stayed, suspended, set aside,, deferred or withheld.  Includes court convictions and military court-martials.
  2. Traffic violations charged as a misdemeanor or felony.  This includes speeding tickets and parking violations that are charged as misdemeanors or felonies.  All traffic violations that involve drugs or alcohol.  A traffic violation that does not rise to the level of a misdemeanor and does not involve drugs or alcohol does not need to be reported.
  3. Violations of state or federal narcotics or controlled substances laws.  You need not be charged or convicted but are required to report this.
  4. Violations of the honor code at the educational institution you attended to become a radiologic technologist.
  5. Disciplinary actions involving a professional permit, certification, license, or registration.
  6. Note:  Offenses committed as a juvenile and adjudicated through the juvenile court system do not need to be reported.

The ARRT has the power to deny any credentialing application based upon the above information.  Admission to the radiologic sciences program and passing the program-mandated background check verification does NOT GUARANTEE acceptance by the ARRT.

You may request an ethics review by the ARRT before you apply to the program or for certification.  Visit for more information.