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Student Policies

Departmental & Clinical


See Departmental Policies section for additional details on requirements.

  • Students will provide proof of medical insurance at the beginning of every semester semester; if you do not have medical insurance, you MUST maintain Boise State student insurance
  • Students accepted into the program will be required to meet the Boise State requirement of a criminal background check. Specific detailed information regarding the criminal background check will be in the acceptance letter.
  • Students will attend a MANDATORY orientation (two days) during the week prior to the beginning of school—usually the Thursday and Friday prior to school starting

Radiologic Sciences Departmental Policies

Programmatic Faculty

Program Director

Position Summary:

As an employee of Boise State, oversees the coordination and administration of all aspects of the Diagnostic Radiology program to include planning, organizing, staffing, leading and controlling programmatic activities.

Duties and Responsibilities:
  1. Plans the delivery of the overall program in accordance the overall mission and goals of the institution, college, and department.
  2. Develops and implements long-term goals and objectives for the successful outcomes of the program.
  3. Develops an assessment plan to evaluation the strengths and areas of improvement for the program.
  4. Ensures program activities operate within the policies and procedures of the organization and the JRCERT accreditation standards
  5. Organizes and oversees student recruitment, application and acceptance, and retention processes
  6. Ensures students are meeting programmatic learning outcomes, following institutional and programmatic policies, are adhering to ASRT Code of Ethics, and are operating within the standards set by the university and JRCERT.
  7. Reports program effectiveness outcomes and assessment outcomes to the university and JRCERT
  8. Works in conjunction with the Clinical Coordinator to ensure students are placed in appropriate and equitable clinical learning environments and are meeting clinical learning objectives.
  9. Participates in continuing education to improve evaluation skills and maintain professional competence.

Clinical Coordinator

Position Summary:

As an employee of Boise State, coordinates educational services in the clinical setting to achieve equity of student experience according to the established standards of the program.

Duties and Responsibilities:
  1. Develops and implements program goals, clinical objectives, and the clinical evaluation system; maintains student schedules for clinical sites.
  2. Evaluates and facilitates clinical education effectiveness through a schedule of regular contacts with the clinical education site(s).
  3. Assures the recording of continuing student health records, CPR competency, and insurance status. These will be communicated with the clinical sites each semester.
  4. Participates in continuing education to improve evaluation skills and maintain professional competence.
  5. Meets regularly with the university faculty to maintain current documentation of student clinical progress.
  6. Establishes standard methods of evaluation of student clinical performance and quality assurance.
  7. Adheres to the professional practice standards and the Code of Ethics.
  8. May participate in student recruitment and student selection processes.
  9. In conjunction with program director and instructor of RADSCI 234, publishes and updates student clinical education and policy manual on an annual basis.
  10.  May function as “acting” program director as necessary.
  11.  Facilitates clinical instructor meetings each semester.
  12.  Provides for clinical instructor education at regularly scheduled clinical instructor meetings; coordinates continuing education for clinical instructors.
  13.  Forwards department meeting minutes to adjunct university faculty and assesses student clinical progress on a monthly basis.

University Faculty

Position Summary:

As an employee of Boise State, provides instruction of programmatic courses. Must be ARRT(R) certified, in good standing with the ARRT, and an employee of Boise State.

Duties and Responsibilities:
  1. Provides instruction for assigned courses based on workload, programmatic and departmental needs
  2. Creates course learning objectives, lecture materials, course assignments, course examinations and maintains the course management site (Blackboard) using the programmatic curricular plan, most current ASRT radiography curriculum guide, current radiography practice standards, current scope of practice for radiographers, current literature/research and requiring higher orders of learning such as critical thinking, problem solving, analysis and evaluation.
  3. Makes time available to meet with students outside class time via open office hours and/or appointment.
  4. Provides regular, timely feedback on student progress and successes.
  5. Reports back to the program director with student concerns and/or concerns with student success.

Academic Standards

  • A student must achieve a minimum of C letter grade (no C- accepted) for all degree required courses and a minimum 2.60 GPA or higher per semester for all didactic coursework. Failure to do so may result in removal from the program. Any student removed from the program during the first semester must reapply as per current department process. Any student removed from the program in subsequent semesters may be readmitted only with the University’s Department Faculty approval.
  • Boise State University uses a 4.0 grading scale with a +/- grading system meaning letter grades including a “+” will increase the academic points associated with the letter grade by 0.3 academic points. Course letter grades including a “-” will decrease the academic point value associated with the letter grade by 0.3 academic points. Instructors use letter grades to document their evaluation of student work and academic status in the class.
  • Please review each course syllabus to identify what total course percentage points must be accrued to receive specific course letter grades.

Boise State Grading Policy 


The department utilizes various methods for communication:

  • Direct mailing
  • Direct meeting through appointment
  • E-mail
  • Mailbox (Room HSR127)
  • Blackboard communication tools

It is the student responsibility to check these communication areas regularly. Please only check your mailbox—retrieving information from other student mailboxes may be considered cheating or stealing. Mail for faculty may be given to the department administrative assistant to put in their mailboxes. Faculty will generally use students Boise State e-mail addresses—YOU need to be certain to check your Boise State email address often, or forward your Boise State email address to another personal email address. Individual faculty will have preferred methods of communication that will be stated in their syllabus.

Academic Advising

Students can request or are assigned a faculty advisor for the duration of their enrollment in the program. Every effort is made to provide for a consistent student-advisor assignment for the duration of the program. At any time, a student may request re-assignment to a new advisor. Generally, students should make an appointment through the department administrative assistant to see their advisor; this allows the advisor to access your file and be prepared to meet with you.  Please stop by the office or call (208) 426-1996 to make an appointment.

Advisors assist on an appointment basis with the following:

  • Establishing a course schedule
  • Changes in a course schedule
  • Any academic or clinical problem or question
  • Meeting progression and/or graduation requirements
  • Career planning and placement
  • Accessing services across the campus

Faculty Advisor Will:

  • Post next to their office a schedule of office hours available
  • Be available at alternate times per request for a meeting
  • Review and monitor each student for progression and graduation

Note: Faculty advisors are not counselors.  They will at times, ask you to access areas on campus such as the counseling center, the student health center, the tutoring center, etc.

Students Will:

  • Meet with their departmental academic advisors AT LEAST one time per semester.
  • Refer questions concerning academic adjustment and graduation requirements to their academic advisors.
  • Maintain their personal advising files to assure they are meeting the requirements for progression and graduation.
  • Keep myBoiseState updated with current major and academic advisor.
  • Keep files updated with current address, e-mail, and phone numbers by notifying the department administrative assistant via writing of any changes.

Student Records

The department will follow Boise State and JRCERT policies with regards to privacy and student records. The department will only release dates of attendance, full or part time status, current class standing and date/degree earned without permission from the student. If a student would like to permit his/her record be discussed with parents, spouses or others, please fill out the Privacy Release form during orientation. The department will not release phone number or e-mail address without direction. However, if a student has requested PRIVACY through the PeopleSoft system, staff may release NOTHING about the student without specific written permission or subpoena.

The department maintains academic and clinical files for five years post graduation, and will then destroy all information except clinical competency forms and academic adjustment forms. Official transcripts are maintained at Boise State University Registrar’s Office indefinitely. If you wish for a faculty member to participate as an employment or academic reference, please contact him/her to give permission prior to listing the individual as a reference.


The Department of Radiologic Sciences has some monies available on an annual basis to fund basic monetary scholarships. Students interested should obtain an application from the department website and return it by the appropriate deadline (generally February 15). Faculty will make decisions on awarding scholarships based on cumulative GPA, academic progress in the program and financial need. Scholarships are announced via your student account in myBoiseState prior to May each year. All scholarship recipients of a donated award will write a thank you letter to the donor.

Additional loan, scholarship or financial information can be obtained through the financial aid office on campus.

Top Ten Scholar Award

Each year, a list of senior students with a GPA of 3.65 or higher is generated and the Boise State Alumni Association notifies each student that he or she is qualified to apply for the Top Ten Scholar Award. The student then initiates the process by notifying his or her Dean by taking the following item to his office: a letter requesting nomination; a resume; a current copy of transcript. The Dean in conjunction with the department Chair then selects students from the college to forward as the college nominations to the university selection committee. Top Ten Scholar nominations are only available to students completing their first BS degree.

Ten students are selected and recognized at an annual banquet during the spring semester. The selected Top Ten Scholars are given the opportunity to speak about their college careers and thank a professor whom has influenced them in their academic pursuits.

Student Representative to Faculty

Each class will elect a representative to faculty members as a communication method for students to bring issues or concerns to the faculty. This individual will also be invited to attend meetings as necessary to represent the student body, such as individual meetings with the Program Director or group meetings with community leaders. Student representatives are expected to reflect their constituency by soliciting feedback and concerns from their peers.

Periodically, there will be other opportunities for students to serve on committees. The Program Director will e-mail those opportunities as they become available.

Books and Syllabi

Students are expected to acquire the required textbooks (appropriate editions) and syllabi.  Required and recommended textbooks are available in the Boise State bookstore.  Textbook costs vary from semester to semester and can involve considerable expense.  The faculty work to reduce book costs by using a selected text for more than one course or semester when appropriate.  Each faculty will inform students on the process to obtain syllabi, but most often it will be via blackboard.  Please keep your textbooks for the tenure of the program.  Once purchased, assignments may be given from that text during any semester.

Learning Centers

The Department of Radiologic Sciences has two distinct facilities established to assist students with skill and theory development.

  1. The Health Science Riverside building computer kiosks provide students with computer hardware, software, a laser printer and digital scanner. There are cubicles and tables in the hallway of the second floor for study usage. There is also a conference room/student room available in HSR 101. This room may be used by students for study or gathering purposes as long as there is no meeting scheduled in the room. This room is a first come, first serve room for students when no meetings are scheduled. This room is for quiet work and/or discussion. It is the responsibility of the students utilizing all areas to maintain low noise levels and cleanliness. If the areas are misused, the availability will be eliminated. Please use the conference room for gathering instead of the HSR lower hallways. The faculty office row is off limits for gathering due to the noise carrying over into faculty offices and so that conversations between students and faculty remain confidential.
  2. The department has three energized x-ray rooms with both digital and analog capabilities for students to perform and perfect their clinical skills. An ARRT registered radiographer must be available when student are accessing the laboratory equipment. If no qualified individual is available, the laboratory equipment cannot be utilized. Mechanical problems with the equipment should be reported to faculty immediately. Broken equipment should be brought to faculty immediately.

Children and pets are NOT to be brought into the classrooms or laboratory, as noise levels should be minimized and safety maximized. The computer kiosks and HSR 101 are shared environments and children’s use of limited equipment is not permitted at any time. Food and drink are NOT permitted in the laboratory. It may be permitted in the hallways, study areas and classrooms. Students are always responsible to clean up after themselves. Any violation of this policy will result in disciplinary action.


All students must be officially enrolled in their assigned clinical courses and have completed all required orientation documentation and/or experience before they will be permitted to begin their clinical experience. College of Health Sciences liability insurance is valid only during official enrollment. Students may only attend and participate in clinic during specifically assigned hours for clinical experience. Scheduled hours for clinical experiences are only assigned and arranged by the Diagnostic Radiology Program Director and Clinical Coordinator.

Equipment Checkout

  • The Department of Radiologic Sciences has equipment available for students to reserve and utilize at remote sites. Students are often expected to check out equipment to perform research at remote sites. This equipment may include patient assessment tools, radiographic test tools, phantoms, and textbooks.
  • All equipment is reserved through the department administrative assistant. Equipment has a face value that may exceed $20,000. Students may be held responsible for gross misuse of equipment and may be charged a full retail price for any lost or damaged items. Failure to pay assessed fees will result in a hold placed on registration.
  • Equipment may be sensitive to excessive heat or cold, water damage or physical abuse (dropping, etc.). In case of damage, please contact the department administrative assistant as soon as possible. Unless otherwise arranged, check out is for a maximum of one day. Federal law strictly forbids any commercial use or duplication of copyrighted material. Violators will be prosecuted.

Children and Pets in Class/Laboratory/Clinic

  1. Students are NOT permitted to bring their children or pets to class—we do not have extra seating. In the event of a one-time emergency, children (not ever pets) may be allowed with prior consent of the instructor. If children are allowed in class, they must not become disruptive. Faculty do not guarantee the content or discussion presented during class will be suitable for a child.
  2. Children and pets are NOT ever permitted in the laboratory classes, HSR 101, or computer kiosk areas. The Department of Radiologic Sciences will not accept the liability created with the presence of children and/or pets in the classrooms and/or laboratories. Students will be asked to leave immediately for noncompliance with this policy.
  3. Do not bring a pet into the Health Sciences Riverside building while attending class or laboratory. Do not leave a pet in the care of another individual within the Health Science Riverside building while you attend class or to other academic responsibilities.
  4. If a pet is brought in the Health Science Riverside building, for any reason, the animal must be according to Boise State policy 9160, “attended and restrained at all times”. Pets are not to be left to roam the hallways or sit outside unattended and/or unrestrained.
  5. Continued violation of these requirements related to campus access will result in disciplinary action and/or dismissal from the program due to continued disruption in the educational environment of all students.
  6. Exceptions related to certified service animals only on campus must be formally sought through the Educational Access Center (208-426-1583).
  7. No children or pets are ever permitted, at any time, within the clinical sites. Federal, state, and institutional policies related to health and safety prohibit such practices within areas of patient care. Any violation of these policies will result in dismissal from the program.

Student Responsibilities for Academic Work and Testing

  1. Students must be present during scheduled testing times. Exceptional circumstances will be handled by the course faculty prior to the scheduled testing dates. Cell phones and smart watches WILL be turned OFF during all tests.
  2. Student seating during tests may be assigned so as to minimize opportunities for cheating or academic dishonesty.
  3. When tests are handed out, all communication among students is to stop.
  4. Students should monitor their own behavior so they do not arouse any suspicion on the part of the test monitor or other students: keep attention focused on your own work and protect your own work.
  5. If academic dishonesty is questioned, the test monitor may use resources to valid suspicion.
  6. Plagiarism will not be tolerated and may be cause for failure in the course or University dismissal (See Boise State University Student Handbook for definitions, policies and judicial procedures). Academic dishonesty in any form may result in failure in a course or dismissal from the program and/or university.
  7. Falsification of academic records will result in dismissal from the program.
  8. It is the responsibility of the faculty to promote a classroom environment conducive to learning. Student conduct which disrupts this environment will not be tolerated. The faculty may remove a disruptive student at their discretion. Disruption may include the use of electronics for other than note taking purposes, use of gaming devices, and/or any type of communication device.
  9. The buzz, beep, tone or ring of a cell phone or other communication device can be disruptive to the instructor, as well as the student. All communication devices should be set to silent, and may not be allowed in certain circumstances. Phone calls should be limited to breaks. Students must use alternate telephone resources, not faculty or staff office phones. Usage of cellular phones is NOT ever permitted in the clinical facilities—students are required to leave their phones in an assigned locker or their automobiles.
  10.  Entering or leaving a classroom during instruction is disruptive. Faculty will limit disruption if inappropriate habits develop. Issues such as parking, family emergencies, etc. must be discussed with the instructor prior to class.
  11.  Children not permitted in the classroom (except in one-time, extreme circumstances and with prior permission of the instructor), laboratories, or clinical sites.
  12.  Pets are never permitted inside or outside the classroom, laboratories, or clinical sites.
  13.  Students testing through the Testing Center laboratory must comply with the policies of the lab.

Jury Duty

Boise State University expects students to participate in responsible citizenship. It is the policy of Boise State University to excuse students from class for jury duty and also facilitate their success in the program. Refer to the Boise State University Policy regarding Students on Jury Duty.

Students must first contact their instructors, informing them of their jury commitment. Students are responsible for:

  1. Furnishing instructors with concrete evidence of their jury assignments immediately.
  2. Furnishing instructors with concrete evidence (date, time and court) of their service immediately upon serving.
  3. Making arrangements to obtain course notes and assignments from other students (this is not the instructor’s responsibility)
  4. Taking responsibility for all course work or make-up work. Requirements are not forgiven, but possibly delayed.

General Testing Center Policy

Many of your classes will have tests scheduled at the Online Testing Center in the SMASH building.

  • Be familiar with the Online Testing Centers rules and polices
  • Student must make their own appointment time for all exams ( 
  • Be on time for your appointment.
  • Check in at the front desk.
  • You MUST show your photo identification (student ID card, Drivers license, etc.) to the lab monitor at the front desk. If you do not have a picture ID available to you, you must ask your instructor if they will authorize your exam without an ID. Your instructor must provide written verification to the Online Testing Center. Contact the Online Testing Center for more information.
  • Only approved test aids are allowed on the desk. Stow all other belongings on the floor under the desk (this includes wallets, cell phones, and keys).
  • If you have used any scratch paper or the instructor allowed aids you are REQUIRED to give them to the Lab Monitor upon completion of your test. Please print your First and Last Name and the course title. When you turn in your scratch paper and/or notes, your ID will be returned to you.
  • You must begin you exam immediately upon sitting down.
  • You may begin writing on your scratch paper after starting your exam.
  • All exams must be completed in one sitting, you are not allowed to leave then return to resume your exam. No bathroom breaks allowed.
  • All exams will be submitted at closing time, even if you have not completed it.
  • Children and pets are not ever permitted in the testing lab.
  • You must turn off all electronic devices and remove earbuds, headphones and watches.
  • If you are worried about distractions, inform the Lab Monitor at this time and they will do their best to accommodate your needs.
  • Students with accommodations documented through the Education Access Center must notify the Online Testing Center and instructor well in advance and provide documentation. This is a student initiated process.

What to Expect During your Exam

  • Your instructor will notify you that he or she will be administering an exam in the Online Testing Center
  • Schedule appointments to take your exams. Final exam appointments will be available at the end of the 8th week of class
  • Walk-in appointments are no longer guaranteed and may not be available.
  • Schedule your exam appointment as soon as possible because appointment times fill up quickly. Moreover, the final days that the tests are offered often fill up soon after the test dates have been released.
  • Failure to schedule an exam early may result in inconvenient times to take the test or waiting for a open time slot. Students who have appointments have priority.
  • To schedule your exam. You can visit the Testing Center website to schedule exams on a first come, first serve basis.
  • Please take your exam at your scheduled time. The Testing Center often allows students to begin their test before the scheduled time when there are computers available. If you miss your appointment by more than 10 min you no longer have an appointment and you should reschedule your exam appointment. This will ensure that there will be a computer for you.
  • Students must finish their exam prior to the close of each day. Refer to the current hours of operation listed at to view opening and closing times. It is the student’s responsibility to allot enough time to finish their exam. The lab reserves the right to cancel or postpone any test due to time depletion. The lab also reserves the right to stop a student from beginning a test. This usually occurs at least one hour before the lab closes.
  • Be proactive do not wait until the day before to schedule your exam.

Standardized Test Taking Policy

Boise State University utilizes examination processes during the educational experience. Each faculty member will orient students to the particular testing procedures for his/her courses.

At the end of this program, based on graduation success, the student may apply and be approved to take the national credentialing examination through the American Registry of Radiologic Technologists. During the final semester in RADSCI 420 Sr. Recitation and Integration, the application booklets will be distributed and the process discussed. If a student has been convicted of a misdemeanor or felony, they may need to secure paperwork. Please see the Program Director immediately.

In order for the Program Director to sign the application form, the student must have the following:

  1. Appropriately completed application
  2. Passport photo attached to the completed application
  3. Graduation evaluation by Boise State – AAR (students should apply for graduation during the first few weeks of the semester prior to their final semester, i.e apply in fall if expecting to graduate following spring semester)

The program director WILL NOT affirm the ARRT application without the requirements.

Lines of Communication

A student may request changes in faculty decisions or exceptions to program policies through use of a petition.  All petitions must be submitted to the faculty responsible for the test or assignment, or to the advisor, program director or student representative.  The petition must include a statement of the problem, supporting data, a proposal of one or more acceptable solutions and any identified time frame with potential costs/benefits for each solution.

The chain of communication for individual concerns is:

  1. A course instructor if it is a course related problem, university faculty assigned to the clinical site if it is a clinically related problem, student representative if necessary, or an advisor
  2. Program Director or Clinical Coordinator
  3. Chair of Department of Radiologic Sciences
  4. Director of The School of Allied Health Sciences
  5. Dean, College of Health Sciences
  6. Executive Vice President Student Affairs/Provost
  7. President, Boise State University
  8. State Board of Education
  9. Joint Review Committee on Education in Radiologic Technology (JRCERT)
    20 N. Wacker Drive, Suite 2850, Chicago, IL 60606-3182
    Tel: (312)704-5300, Fax: (312) 704-5304, Web site:

Disciplinary Action

Each student shall comply with the policies and procedures of the Boise State, Department of Radiologic Sciences and the clinical facilities. Failure to do so will result in one or a combination of the following.

  • Student Counseling
  • Written warning
  • Written reprimands
  • Disciplinary probation
  • Dismissal

If, after counseling, the student behavior in question continues, a written warning will be completed by the Faculty/Clinical Instructor and signed by the student and the program director. The student has the right to appeal.

Depending on the seriousness of the behavior, a written reprimand may be given. This will be mandatory for all second occurrences.

Each written warning or reprimand will include a brief description of: (use Student Occurrence Report Form)

  • the incident or behavior
  • the policy involved
  • how the student will change
  • time limits for change

A single serious occurrence or repeated occurrences may result in immediate disciplinary probation. This action, as well as student dismissal from the program will be the decision of the Program Director.

A student will be removed immediately from the clinical facility or the program if any of the following are committed in the academic setting:

  • Willful destruction of facility or Boise State property
  • Possession/consumption of recreational drugs (including alcohol)
  • Use of prescription drugs which could impair physical and/or cognitive function putting self, patients, and/or others at risk
  • Gross immoral conduct
  • Willful insubordination
  • Possession of firearms/explosives/weaponry
  • Fighting and threatening behavior

Loss of clinical placement due to student conduct and/or not following university/program/facility policies will result in dismissal from the Diagnostic Radiology program.

Re-admittance will follow the College of Health Science Policy and Procedure for Dismissal of Students in Clinical Experience.

Conflict Resolution

Students have the right to appeal any disciplinary action.  The Boise State University Student Handbook contains a Code of Conduct for all students attending the university and outlines the Sanctions, Judicial Process and Hearing Boards established to deal with university-wide policies, procedures and grievances.

Prior to meeting with the Dean or filing a grievance, the student must proceed with steps 1 through 3 below.  According to the Boise State Grievance Policy, the student must attempt to resolve the issue prior to filing a grievance.  These steps allow for resolution of a conflict at a number of points before the grievance is filed.

When a student disagrees with clinical or didactic evaluations, assignments/project grades, or other actions, the student must:

  • write a statement explaining his/her disagreement and attach supporting documentation
  • meet with the instructor involved
  • consult with the advisor as necessary
  • initiate the process within 10 working days of identified incident

If the process does not resolve the conflict, the student must:

  • Meet with the program director for discussion of the process. The role of the program director is to facilitate conflict resolution.
  • Initiate this meeting within 15 working days of the identified incident.

At this point, if satisfactory resolution has not been reached, the student has the right to:

  • Appeal to the Department Chair within 20 days of the identified incident.

If the above problem solving method remains unsatisfactory and the student wishes to continue the matter, the student must file a grievance petition in accordance with Boise State Policy. Please be advised that there are specific timelines when filing an academic grievance.  The time lines are clearly delineated in the Boise State Procedure for Academic Grievance in the University Student Handbook.

Student Counseling

Student counseling is used to promote, assist and maintain superior student performance. The main purpose is to provide feedback to the student regarding his/her performance and to specifically identify areas of strength. It is also designed to deal with student deficiencies in performance and/or behavior.

  • The university faculty will discuss suggestions with the student regarding performance and behavior.
  • These suggestions will be documented and signed by the student and university faculty and then placed in the student’s file.
  • Failure by the student to respond favorably will result in using the disciplinary action policies.

Radiation Exposure Policy for Pregnant Students

National Council of Radiation Protection (NCRP)

The National Council of Radiation Protection (NCRP) advises that control measures should be taken to avoid or reduce the risk of ionizing radiation exposure to the human embryo or fetus.  It should be noted, however, that the risks of probability of detectable effects induced by medical diagnostic exposure are very small.  However, due to well-documented sensitivity of the fetus to radiation during the early stages of pregnancy, it is the policy of the Radiologic Sciences Program at Boise State to communicate information to all incoming female students concerning this subject area so an informed decision can be made if necessary.

Policy at Boise State University

The policy at Boise State University, Radiologic Sciences Program is to provide reasonable radiation protection to student radiographers occupationally exposed to radiation.  Pregnant students are expected to follow the additional protective measures detailed below which have been developed to restrict the fetal dose below an effective dose limit as recommended to the NCRP and the United States Nuclear Regulatory Commission (USNRC).

While the program is independent in thought concerning pregnancy, any female student who becomes pregnant during the course of the program is encouraged to declare pregnancy in writing to the Program Director according to NRC guidelines (Federal Register, May 21, 1991, § 20.1004, 20.1208)

This is strictly at the discretion of the student to declare.  Whether a student chooses to declare her pregnancy in writing or not, the student will be treated equitably by the program in all cases.  (It should be remembered that a non-declared pregnant student is not considered pregnant and cannot ask for special considerations due to her health status unless pregnancy is actually declared).

All students declaring pregnancy will be given a copy of the USNRC Regulatory Guide 8.13 which concerns prenatal radiation exposure. The pregnant student must make the final decision as to their acceptance or non-acceptance of this minimal risk.

The following procedure will be followed:

  1. The program strongly encourages the student to notify the Program Director immediately upon medical verification of pregnancy to ensure that protective measures for the fetus and mother are initiated.  All students are to practice professional standards for radiation protection throughout the program. Upon declaration, a second radiation monitoring device will be immediately obtained for abdominal monitoring.
  2. The Program Director and student will review all prior radiation exposure records.  The student will be given a packet of information, including a copy of NCR 8.13.3, and will review protective actions and the risks associated with radiation exposure to the fetus.
  3. Upon medical certification that pregnancy exists and after consultation with the student’s healthcare provider (see Healthcare Provider’s Confirmation of Pregnancy form), the Program Director will collaborate with the student to provide a curricular plan for the extent of the pregnancy.  Changes in the student’s physical status should be updated from the student’s healthcare provider throughout the pregnancy.
  4. The Program Director will document the student’s decision in regard to the curricular plan
  5. The student shall complete and sign documentation acknowledging the receipt of all associated information regarding pregnancy (See Pregnancy/Radiation Safety Protection Form).  All documentation will be kept in the student’s permanent file.
  6. A student may decide to un-declare pregnancy at any time. Documentation must be completed and signed by the student and Program Director to formalize this process.

Some possible options that may be considered in the curricular plan are:

  • Continuation in the program with no special considerations made in any way. Generally, the student must minimally meet the requirements of the assigned clinical agency, which usually consists of limited exposure for the first trimester of pregnancy.
  • Rescheduling of potential high exposure rotations during the pregnancy taking into consideration other student’s access to equitable clinical experience.  A student may have to extend their clinical time if all required graduation requirements are not met in the normal time frame.
  • Reduction/change in clinical hours during the pregnancy per student and/or healthcare provider request.  If a student does not return to clinic within 6 months following the end of pregnancy, the program reserves the right to require the student to demonstrate additional clinical and/or didactic competency.
  • Take a leave of absence from the clinical portion of the program for any desired part of the pregnancy.  If a student does not return to clinic within 6 months following the end of pregnancy, the program reserves the right to require the student to demonstrate additional clinical and/or didactic competency.
  • Completely withdraw from the Radiologic Sciences Program
  • Other options or combinations of the above will be considered during the planning session

However a female student chooses to handle the declaration of pregnancy or the associated curricular plan, the program is committed to equitable treatment of all students in the program no matter what their situation.  Students will be expected to complete all clinical and didactic requirements of the program to become eligible for graduation and national registry examinations.  Program and clinical requirements cannot be skipped or shortened due to pregnancy status.

Radiation Monitoring Device Control

All students accepted into the Diagnostic Radiology Program will have access to current radiation monitoring devices.  Students will wear radiation monitoring devices at the collar level when participating in clinical or laboratory activities, and will be dismissed from these activities until the device is utilized.

  1. The Radiation Safety Officer (RSO) will post all new monitoring devices in the Boise State laboratory and notify student that they are available. Students have two weeks to exchange the monitoring devices.  If the exchange does not occur, the university faculty member for that student will be notified and the student verbally warned along with one percentage point deducted from his/her clinical grade.
  2. University faculty will facilitate the monitor exchange during the summer sessions.
  3. Monthly, the RSO will post radiation dose reports. These reports will be tacked on the student information cork board outside the departmental main office.  Students are responsible for accessing these reports, even during the summer months.  Any dose above 30 mREMs will trigger the following process:
    1. The RSO will notify the student in writing that his/her exposure exceeded the above limit. The student will respond in writing to the RSO concerning probable causes.  An appointment will be arranged to discuss the dose concerns and proper radiation safety activities.
    2. The RSO will notify the clinical imaging department manager and clinical instructor in writing of the excess exposure. The clinical instructor will meet with the student and respond in writing to the RSO.
  4. At the completion of the Diagnostic Radiology Program, each student will return his/her final monitoring device to the RSO. The RSO will forward a letter to each student stating his/her total radiation exposure.

Radiation Safety

To ensure the safety of the student, radiation safety regulations must be followed at all times.

  1. An ARRT registered radiographer must be available for students to access the radiographic
    equipment in the departmental laboratory and/or in the clinical facilities.
  2. Never expose yourself or a fellow student for test exposure or demonstration.
  3. Stay behind protective barriers during radiographic exposure.
  4. It is the policy of the Diagnostic Radiology program and the Joint Review Committee on Education in Radiologic Technology that students do not ever hold image receptors during x-ray exposures. Students should also not hold patients during procedures involving ionizing radiation when immobilization devices are available and appropriate for use.
    It is recognized that there will be times when a student may be exposed to radiation due to participation in mobile, surgical, or trauma radiography. During those limited experiences, the following is required:

    1. Wear lead aprons and gloves.
    2. Keep your body as far away from the central ray as possible.
    3. No portion of the student’s anatomy shall be in the primary radiation beam.
    4. Do not hold the image receptor.

During fluoroscopic procedures, maintain as much distance as practical.

  • Use the protective drape on the image intensifier if practical for the examination.
  • Wear a lead apron of at least 0.25 mm of lead or equivalent and preferably 0.50 mm. If not actually assisting the radiologist, either stand in the control booth or behind the radiologist.

Professional Appearance/Uniforms

Each student enrolled in the program is expected to maintain a personal appearance and dress appropriate to the professional setting of the health care area.

Please remember the dignity of your profession and the personal regard for your patients. Patients may feel threatened by extremes in appearance. No matter what the ends of the spectrum may be, moderation in appearance and action will engender the most confidence and impart the most comfort to the patient.

Dress Code


Navy Blue Scrub tops of the Greys Anatomy Brand and style number are required. No other color, brand, or style number uniform scrub top is acceptable. The designed BSU Radiologic Sciences logo is to be embroidered on the left breast pocket or side of the scrub top. Scrubs tops should be loose fitting and long enough to NOT show the midriff when arms are raised. There should be no characters, advertising, or ribbing on the scrub tops.

As listed by the manufacturer:

  • Greys Anatomy Men’s V-Neck Top- Style #0103, Color/#- Indigo-23
  • Greys Anatomy Signature Stretch Modern Fit Women’s V-Neck Top- Style #2115, Color/#-Indigo-23
  • Greys Anatomy Women’s Modern Fit Mock Wrap Top- Style #4153, Color/#-Indigo-23

No other brands or style numbers are acceptable


Black Scrub pants of any choice are required as long as they ARE NOT cargo pants and DO NOT have cargo pockets on the sides of the scrub pant legs. Two pouch pockets on the front by the waistband and pockets on the back are acceptable. There should be no seams running down the front of the pant. Pants should be loose fitting and lay below the ankle to the top of the foot. There should be no characters, advertising, or ribbing on the scrub pants. No “see through” material is acceptable. The scrub pants should be high enough around the waist to not allow undergarments to show when leaning over or bending down. Students will wear a SHORT length (bottom hem at level of inferior border of gluteus maximus), white, notched lapel lab coat with no design on the material, three pocket style with one breast pocket and two front patch pockets for men, women may also chose only two front patch pocket jackets. Long lab-coats (mid-thigh to knee) or pullover tops are not acceptable.

Lab Coat

White lab coat. (To be worn while in transition into and outside assigned clinical department and for warmth when department temperatures warrant) This may include:

  • Bottom hem at level of inferior border of gluteus maximus
  • Long sleeved only
  • Notched lapel
  • Three pocket lab jacket
  • One breast pocket
  • Two front patch pockets
  • Button front
  • No snaps
  • No zippers

Example: Cherokee Unisex Lab Coat Style 1446


  • Two pocket lab jacket
  • Two front patch pockets
  • Button front
  • No snaps
  • No zippers

Example: Cherokee 30 inch Lab Coat Style 1302 or 32 inch Lab Coat Style 1362
Other brands, but no other style types are acceptable

Other brands, but no other style types are acceptable 


Shoes should be white, brown or black, hospital type with grip soles. White leather shoes without advertising are acceptable. Clogs, CROCS, open-toed shoes, sandals or boots are not acceptable. This may include:

  • Well-fitting, either tie or slip-on shoe with full back, non-skid sole
  • Must be in good repair, clean and matching shoelaces
  • Open toe shoes, canvas or half heeled shoes ARE NOT permissible. Also, NO CROCS or shoes with large holes in the top of the shoe
  • No logos of different color then shoe or colored prints on shoes permitted

Under-Uniform Attire

Attire must be worn under the scrub top for modesty. Acceptable under-uniform attire:

  • Cap-sleeved crew neck t-shirt or mock turtle necks
  • Sleeves may not be longer than scrub sleeves
  • No tank tops, v-necks, high turtle necks, or spaghetti straps visible


  • Long-sleeved crew neck or mock turtle neck t-shirts
  • ¾ sleeves are permitted
  • No long underwear style or type knit permitted


  • Make-up, perfume/cologne, and jewelry should be kept to a minimum. Any jewelry will follow healthcare facility guidelines. Large hoop or dangling earrings are not permissible. Other than pierced ears (two pair maximum, not thicker than 16 gauge) no other visible piercing is allowed. This includes: nose, lip, eyebrow, tongue or cheek ornamentations. Use of antiperspirants or deodorants is suggested as necessary to prevent offensive odors. Oral care is essential to prevent offensive breath. Tattoos may need to be covered while in the clinical setting according to agency policy.
  • Hair should be clean, neat and a natural, human color at all times. In order to maintain medical asepsis, all students with long hair must have it pulled back when it has a tendency to cover the face or fall into sterile or clean fields while working. The hairstyle worn will not interfere with delivery of patient care. Beards and mustaches should be clean and neatly trimmed. Fingernails will be short and trimmed.
  • Artificial nails and nail décor (including polish, decals, jewelry, etc.) of any type are not permitted.
  • Students will adhere to clinical facility hand washing policies and recommendations
  • Students will adhere to any and all clinical facility policies regarding the length and covering of facial hair in all patient care and surgical units
  • All types of personal communication devices are NOT allowed at the clinical sites.
  • Chewing of gum, tobacco and candy is unacceptable behavior in the clinical setting.
  • BSU name-badge must be worn on the outside of the uniform top at all times. The radiation monitor badge must be worn on the uniform collar outside any lead aprons at all times.

The dress code from Boise State states that appropriate dress includes a laboratory coat. It is the responsibility of each clinical instructor to determine times when jackets may not be worn, i.e., if it is too hot, if the student is involved in an examination where lead aprons must be worn, etc.


Confidentiality of Patient Records

Students within the Radiologic Sciences Program will abide by the policies of the agency, the State of Idaho, and the Federal Government (“Privacy Rule”, Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act—HIPAA) when accessing information or communicating with the patient or the public.

The privacy rule regulates the way covered entities (health care groups, organizations, etc.) handle the individually identifiable health information, known as protected health information (PHI).  This rule establishes the conditions under which covered entities can use or disclose PHI for many purposes, including education and research.  Although Boise State may not have to comply with the Privacy Rule for educational purposes, the manner in which the rule protects the patient information will affect how we use and access information to perform our educational duties.  Students will always be under the direct supervision of a registered radiographer (agency employee) who will be responsible for mentoring the proper process of protecting patient information.

A patient’s medical record includes diagnostic images and reports.  These records are the property of the healthcare facility.  They are maintained for the benefit of the patient, caregiver and healthcare facility.  It is everyone’s responsibility to safeguard both the record and its informational content against loss, defacement, tampering, and from use by unauthorized individuals.The only medical information or patient history to be discussed with the patient is that which is needed to completely and accurately treat the patient. Students are to never allow a patient access to their record unless under the direct supervision of the agency staff.  Students are to only access the patient record for information pertinent for the current case at hand.

  • Necessary conversation with other healthcare workers must take place outside the hearing range of any patient, their family or visitors. Never converse about patient cases or make reference in the hallways, lounges, cafeteria, and especially away from the healthcare facility.
  • Students may not discuss the specific events, patients, visitors, staff or locations relating to their clinical experience using any types of social media. Students may not ever utilize photographic imaging or audio recording devices during their clinical experience.
  • Patient information is not allowed to be given to any family member or friend.
  • Do not discuss healthcare facility incidents.
  • Refer any inquiries about medical information to the clinical instructor.
  • Any information utilized for educational purposes will be de-identified according to the Privacy Rule. The Privacy Rule allows covered entities to de-identify data by removing all 18 elements that could be used to identify the individual or individual’s relatives, employers, or household members. Any case studies or information shared during the educational process will have all of the 18 identifiers removed. (see: How Can Covered Entities Use and Disclose Protected Health Information for Research and Comply with the Privacy Rule?) Students are NOT allowed to print patient reports or copies of images even if de-identified unless required and approved by a faculty.
  • Any violation of HIPAA regulations or institutional/programmatic patient privacy policies will result in immediate dismissal from the program.

Social Media and Ethical Considerations of Healthcare Professionals

As healthcare professional, Diagnostic Radiology Program students must thoroughly consider the purposes and potential outcomes of participation in social media. Students must exercise professional judgment and adhere to professional standards and legal requirements in both private and public social media communications. Students must be mindful of their legal and ethical obligation to protect the privacy of patient health related documentation and imaging records.

As a student in the Diagnostic Radiology Program, communication on devices and/or social media with other students, faculty, staff and/or clinical affiliate personnel must adhere to all professional and legal standards. Failure to adhere to policy will result in disciplinary action which could include dismissal from the program.

General Requirements for Admission and Progression, Diagnostic Radiology Program

Upon acceptance to the Diagnostic Radiology Program and approximately every January 15th and July 1st during programmatic clinical progression, all students are required to submit to a background check. This policy is required by our clinical affiliates for students to gain access for educational experience. The results of each background check will be applied to the CHS 313.0 Background Check Policy. Each clinical affiliate of our program may have additional requirements to gain access to a facility. To retain a position in the program, students will comply with any and all programmatic and facility policies/procedures related to this requisite.

Once the background check results have been cleared for clinical placement, students must report any and all misdemeanor or felony charges to the Diagnostic Radiology Program Director. Failure to report such charges prior to attending any subsequent clinically assigned hours will result in immediate dismissal of the student from the program.

Prior to clinical experience for the Diagnostic Radiology Program and periodically during programmatic clinical progression, students are required to submit to drug and alcohol testing according to the CHS 314.0 Student Drug and Alcohol Testing Policy. This policy is required by our clinical affiliates for students to gain access for educational experiences. The results of the drug and alcohol test will be applied to the CHS Student Drug and Alcohol Testing Policy. Each clinical affiliate of our program may have additional requirements to gain access to a facility. To retain a position in the program, students will comply with any and all programmatic and facility policies/procedures related to this requisite.

Students are also required to meet the health and CPR certification listed below. Students must be officially registered in a radiographic clinical experience course to be eligible for liability coverage purchased by the College of Health Sciences. Failure to meet the health, CPR certification, and health insurance requirements may result in cancellation of a student’s admission or enrollment.

Health Requirements

Pre-entrance self-assessment health forms: (an opportunity to ask questions will occur during the new student orientation—bring the completed forms with you to the orientation)

  • Latex allergy self assessment form
  • Technical standards self assessment form
  • Pregnancy policy affirmation form

Verified negative two step T.B. skin test (Mantoux test which includes conducting the ppd skin test two times within 21 days), titer or negative chest radiograph report. * The report submitted by the student must state that the student is negative for TB (annual requirement)

Rubella (German Measles) titer that indicates the student is protected (serologically immune). * If the titer is “equivocal” or indicates that the student is not protected, immunization and follow-up titers to show immunity are required. NOTE: The process may take 6-8 weeks and must be completed by the deadline. This is an initial blood draw for evaluation, not a MMR vaccination.

Rubeola (“hard measles”) titer that indicates the student is protected (serologically immune). * If the titer is “equivocal” or indicates that the student is not protected, immunization and follow-up titers to show immunity are required. NOTE: The process may take 6-8 weeks and must be completed by the deadline. This is an initial blood draw for evaluation, not a MMR vaccination. This can be validated by 2 MMR vaccinations.

    • The Radiologic Sciences Department will NOT interpret the results. The reports submitted by the student must state that the student is protected (serologically immune). Students who do not seroconvert after two MMR immunizations will be handled on an individual basis by the Program Director.

Mumps titer that indicates the student is protected (serologically immune). * If the titer is “equivocal” or indicates that the student is not protected, immunization and follow-up titers to show immunity are required. NOTE: The process may take 6-8 weeks and must be completed by the deadline. This is an initial blood draw for evaluation, not a MMR vaccination. This can be validated by 2 MMR vaccinations.

    • The Radiologic Sciences Department will NOT interpret the results. The reports submitted by the student must state that the student is protected (serologically immune). Students who do not seroconvert after two MMR immunizations will be handled on an individual basis by the Program Director.

Varicella (chicken pox) verification that indicates the student is protected (serologically immune). The verification may be given in the form of submission of a titer (*) that indicates the student is serologically immune or verification of receipt of two Varicella vaccinations.

    • The Radiologic Sciences Department will NOT interpret the results. The reports submitted by the student must state that the student is protected (serologically immune).

Hepatitis B titer that indicates the student is protected (serologically immune), if the 3 vaccination series has been completed OR submission of initial vaccination documentation for Hepatitis B vaccination series.

    • If the titer is “equivocal” or indicates that the student is not protected, the student must meet with a healthcare provider to develop a plan based on the student’s history and then submit a positive titer. *
    • The first vaccination of the three vaccination series must be initiated prior to beginning the program. The process may take 7-8 months and must be completed within one year of program progression.
    • The Radiologic Sciences Department will NOT interpret the results. The reports submitted by the student must state that the student is protected (serologically immune). Students who do not seroconvert after the three Hepatitis B immunizations will be handled on an individual basis by the Program Director.

Documentation of Tdap (tetanus, diphtheria, and pertussis) vaccination with Td (tetanus & diphtheria) booster if Tdap vaccination given prior to 10 years ago.

Influenza A and/or other “Flu” vaccinations may be required of students to be permitted to complete clinical experience opportunities. The program director will notify you when and if additional vaccinations are required and by what deadline date.

Further information about cost and availability of these tests (B, C, D, E, F, G, H, I) can be obtained from the Boise State Student Health Services, the Central District Health Department, or a healthcare provider of your choice.

Regarding Pregnancy–You should NOT receive the MMR or varicella vaccines if you are pregnant or plan to become pregnant in the next 3-4 months. Please make an appointment with the Program Director to discuss your options.

All students must provide proof of current health insurance.

Other health screening requirements may become necessary as affiliation agreements with clinical agencies are re-evaluated.

CPR Certification

Written verification of CPR certification (usually a card) or active CPR instructor status verification to include adult, children, infants, one/two person, choking victim, and automatic external defibrillator training. The Radiologic Sciences Department requires annual certification for the first two years of clinical experience, even if you have a card that is verified for two years. Courses must be either through the American Heart Association (BLS Provider) or the American Red Cross (BLS for Healthcare Provider). You may find offerings through the professional organizations, or area hospitals. Following the second year of program progression, the program will recognize the documented certification expiration date.

Continuing Progression (junior & senior years):

  • Compliance with submission to Background Check, and Student Drug and Alcohol Testing requirements.
  • Annual verified negative T.B. skin test (Mantoux test), negative titer, or negative Chest Radiograph report. The report must state that the student is negative for TB.
    • NOTE: If the student has a positive skin TB test the first year in the program, but was certified to be clear of the disease, he/she will be given a form prior to each subsequent year to ascertain whether or not there has been a change in health status. A repeat skin test, chest radiograph or complete exam will not be required unless there is a report of change in health status.
  • Repeat verification of Hepatitis B, Rubella, Rubeola, Mumps, Tdap (Td) or Varicella immunization is not required. Td booster will be required if the Tdap becomes older than 10 years.
  • If the student has had a change in emotional or physical health status, the student must submit documentation from his/her healthcare provider regarding the student’s fitness to continue in Radiographic Sciences courses.
  • Repeated verification of CPR certification (sophomore and junior year) or active CPR instructor status.

Withdrawal from the Program

A Diagnostic Radiology Program student may be withdrawn via two mechanisms: student initiated withdrawal or faculty initiated withdrawal.

Student Initiated Withdrawal

A student may voluntarily withdraw from the radiologic sciences program.  The program director will direct the student to submit a withdrawal letter to the program.  Upon acceptance of the letter, the program director will notify the appropriate clinical or didactic faculty. The program director will assist the student with the withdrawal process through the university following university deadlines and policies. The student must understand that withdrawal may have implications for progression within the program.

Faculty Initiated Withdrawal

Faculty members have the right to initiate a student withdrawal from a radiologic sciences course (See university catalog—faculty initiated withdrawal).

Students withdrawn during the first semester of the professional program must reapply for admission using the currently accepted application process at the time of reapplication.  Students who withdraw after successful completion of the first semester must apply for readmission through a letter of request to the radiologic sciences faculty.  Depending upon the reason for withdrawal and the resolution of the contributing factors, faculty may choose to accept or not accept the request or accept the request with certain requirements.  All readmission is based on space availability.


Students are responsible to provide their own transportation to and from school and to and from clinical assignments.  Some clinical agencies have parking regulations relating to student vehicles.  Students will be oriented prior to each clinical rotation or during the first day of clinical rotation concerning appropriate parking.  Boise State is not liable for any parking ticket.  Students should follow the Boise State parking policy when attending campus.

Code of Ethics

Students will adhere to the code of medical ethics as described by the American Society of Radiologic Technologists and the American Registry of Radiologic Technologists.

  • The Radiologic Technologist conducts himself/herself in a professional manner, responds to patient needs, and supports colleagues and associates in providing quality patient care.
  • The Radiologic Technologist acts to advance the principle objective of the profession to provide services to humanity with full respect for human dignity.
  • The Radiologic Technologist delivers patient care and service unrestricted by the concerns of personal attributes or the nature of the disease or illness, and without discrimination regardless of sex, race, creed, religion, or socioeconomic status.
  • The Radiologic Technologist practices technology founded upon theoretical knowledge and concepts, utilizes equipment and accessories consistent with the purposes for which it has been designed, and employs procedures and techniques appropriately.
  • The Radiologic Technologist assesses situations, exercises care, discretion and judgment, assumes responsibility for professional decisions, and acts in the best interest of the patient.
  • The Radiologic Technologist acts as an agent through observation and communication to obtain pertinent information from the physician to aid in the diagnosis and treatment management of the patient, and recognizes that interpretation and diagnosis are outside the scope of practice for the profession.
  • The Radiologic Technologist utilizes equipment and accessories, employs techniques and procedures, performs services in accordance with an accepted standard of practice, and demonstrates expertise in limiting the radiation exposure to the patient, self, and other members of the health care team.
  • The Radiologic Technologist practices ethical conduct appropriate to the profession, and protects the patient’s right to quality radiologic technology care.
  • The Radiologic Technologist respects confidences entrusted in the course of professional practice, respects the patient’s right to privacy, and reveals confidential information only as required by law or to protect the welfare of the individual or the community.
  • The Radiologic Technologist continually strives to improve knowledge and skills by participating in educational and professional activities, sharing knowledge with colleagues and investigating new and innovative aspects of professional practice.
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