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Sexual Health

Selected Program: Making Proud Choices!


In 2015, the rate of teen births in Idaho was 23 out of every 1000 females age 15-19, and 87 teens per 1000 were either pregnant or raising a child (Annie E. Casey Foundation, 2017). A highly effective way to reduce the risk of pregnancy is using condoms; however, almost half of sexually active Idaho teens reported that they did not use a condom the last time they had sexual intercourse (Idaho State Department of Education, 2017). This is concerning because condoms are also effective at reducing transmission of sexually transmitted diseases and infections (STD/STIs).

Making Proud Choices! is a program aimed at adolescents with a focus on reducing teen pregnancy and STDs. The stated outcomes of the program are (ETR, 2017):

  • Belief in the value of safer sex, including abstinence
  • Improved ability to negotiate abstinence/safer-sex practices
  • Increased ability to use condoms correctly
  • Increased knowledge of HIV, STDs, and pregnancy prevention
  • Lower incidence of HIV/STD sexual risk-taking behavior
  • Pride in choosing responsible sexual behaviors
  • Stronger intentions to use condoms

There are different versions for unique populations, including school-based, community-based, and out-of-home youth. The out-of-home youth version is trauma-informed. The program is highly customizable, with a convenient list of acceptable adaptations and options to purchase add-on lessons. Each curriculum consists of 8-14 modules ranging from 40-75 minutes long, depending on the version. The developers recommend completing the program in 5 weeks or less to maintain attendance.


To “provide adolescents with the knowledge, confidence, and skills necessary to reduce their risk of sexually transmitted diseases (STDs), HIV, and pregnancy by abstaining from sex or using condoms if they choose to have sex”     – ETR, 2017


Program Website:

Office of Adolescent Health’s Teen Pregnancy Prevention Programs Website:

Age Group

12 – 18 year olds; Middle School; High School


Male, Female

Can be facilitated in gender-specific or co-ed groups

IOM Classification

Universal direct if implemented in schools; selective if implemented in most other settings

Possible Implementation Settings

  • Different versions for different settings
  • Community groups
  • Juvenile justice center
  • Out-of-home care (foster homes; transitional living homes)
  • School

Cost Associated and How to Purchase/Access

$648 for each version

Option to purchase condom demo kit:

  • $89.99
  • Available in English and Spanish
  • Comes with 75 condoms, wooden penis model, and more!
  • Condom Use DVD comes with 1 version for women, 1 for men, and 1 in Spanish

Optional to purchase guide for implementing with LGBTQ+ population:

  • $19.99
  • Would suggest purchasing and using this regardless if you think your group has any LGBTQ+ students

Option to purchase guide on Affirmative Consent:

  • $24.99
  • Can be woven into program or conducted as one or two stand-alone lessons

How to Access

Purchase from ETR’s Program Success Center for Sexual & Reproductive Health

Link to purchasing site:

Program Contact

For curriculum, materials, and pricing questions:

Nancy Gonzalez-Caro, MPH

Evidence-Based Product Specialist, ETR


For training and technical support questions:

Cody Sigel, MPH, CHES

Health Education Training Coordinator, ETR

(510) 858-0995

Training Information

Not required, but highly recommended

ETR’s Professional Learning Services offers many different training options

Link to training site:

Pros & Cons

Demonstrates how to put on condomsSome settings (e.g., schools or churches) may not approve of a sexual education program that is not abstinence-only
Doesn’t just teach abstinenceMust obtain parental permission for participants under age 18 (parents may also disapprove of a non-abstinence-only program)
Lots of add-on options to customize programNeed to develop alternate activities for participants’ whose parents prohibited them from taking part in the program
Teaches contraceptive use

Why I Chose This Program Over Others

I chose this program over others because it is not an “abstinence only” intervention.   It’s just a fact that some adolescents are going to engage in sexual activity no matter what we tell them, so it’s important that those kids know how to have safer sex that will not leave them with a pregnancy or STD/STI. I also like that the out-of-home youth version is trauma-informed, which is very important when working with teens who have been through tough life situations. Making Proud Choices! is very adaptable, which is a plus because different organizations have different needs and a one-size-fits-all approach is not realistic.

Honorable Mentions


A program for alternative high school students to “change key determinants related to sexual risk taking, such as attitudes, beliefs, and perceived norms,” and to prevent pregnancies and STDs/STIs

Be Proud! Be Responsible! Be Protective!

A program for pregnant and parenting teen girls designed to reduce risky sexual behavior, prevent repeat pregnancies, and increase knowledge about HIV/AIDS


Annie E. Casey Foundation. (2016). Kids count data book: State trends in child well-being. Baltimore, MD: The Annie E. Casey Foundation.

Annie E. Casey Foundation. (2017). Kids count data center. Retrieved from

Education, Training, and Research—Program Success Center for Sexual & Reproductive Health. (2017). Making proud choices! Retrieved from

Idaho State Department of Education. (2017). Idaho youth risk behavior survey: A healthy look at Idaho youth. Retrieved from

United States Department of Health and Human Services—Office of Adolescent Health. (2015a). Evidence-based TPP programs. Retrieved from

United States Department of Health and Human Services—Office of Adolescent Health. (2015b). Making proud choices! Retrieved from

United States Department of Health and Human Services—Office of Adolescent Health. (2017a). About the teen pregnancy prevention (TPP) program. Retrieved from

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