AI/AN: American Indian/Alaska Native
CDC: Centers for Disease Control and Prevention
COD: co-occurring disorders
EBP: evidence-based program/practice
ETR: Education, Training, and Research (name of a company)
HIV/AIDS: human immunodeficiency virus/acquired immunodeficiency syndrome
IDHW: Idaho Department of Health and Welfare
IOM: Institute of Medicine
LGBTQ: lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, questioning/queer
MISSION: Maintaining Independence and Sobriety through Systems Integration, Outreach, and Networking
NREPP: National Registry of Evidence-Based Programs and Practices
OAH: Office of Adolescent Health
RFDI: resources for dissemination and implementation
RWJF: Robert Wood Johnson Foundation
SAMHSA: Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration
SOS: Sources of Strength
STD/STI: sexually transmitted disease/sexually transmitted infection
SUD: substance use disorder
TPP: teen pregnancy prevention
WHO: World Health Organization
YRBS: Youth Risk Behavior Survey