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The Idaho RADAR Center offers a selection of DVDs, curriculum, and printed publications on substance misuse prevention and health-related topics. DVDs are selected to meet the educational, informational, and cultural needs of Idaho’s children, youth, and adults. DVDs can be borrowed for up to three weeks, curriculum up to eight weeks, and the only cost associated is return postage for out-of-town patrons. In an effort to keep the materials in the Lending Library current, we are asking for your tax deductible support. Donations made to the Lending Library will be used to replace damaged or worn DVDs or to add new titles to the collection. Any size donation is most welcome.

To make a tax-deductible donation to the Idaho RADAR Lending Library:

  • Make checks payable to Boise State University Foundation
  • Designate your gift for Foundation Project: RADAR Center, #HR055
  • Mail to:
    Boise State University Foundation
    1173 W. University Dr.
    Boise, ID 83706

For more information, contact the RADAR Center by phone: 208-426-3471 or e-mail:

Thank you for your support and patronage!

Leah Kalk, LCPC
