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Inhalant Abuse

Any volatile substance capable of being inhaled as abuse for its intoxicating effect.

Resource Links

American Addiction Centers

American addiction centers logo

Our mission is to provide quality, compassionate, and innovative care to adults struggling with addiction and co-occurring mental health disorders. Through comprehensive and customized treatment plans, our research-based, empathetic care we instill hope that long-term recovery is possible. Our purpose and passion is to empower you, your family, and community by helping you achieve recovery and optimal wellness of the mind, body, and spirit.

Newport Academy

Newport Academy logo

Newport Academy is a different kind of teen rehab center. Their website provides specific information on controlled substances including inhalants. The prevalence of inhalant abuse among young people, and what steps to take towards addressing and preventing the use of inhalants.

NIDA for Teens

NIDA for teens

The National Institute on Drug Abuse site that is specifically for teenagers. NIDA for Teens provides access to relevant information on inhalants. It includes facts and resources on inhalant abuse, the scope of the problem and how to reach out and talk to friends who are abusing inhalants. Also available via this link is a list of additional resources.

Poison Control

Poison control

Poison Control, The National Capital Poison Center provides facts about the dangers of house hold inhalants, demographics at the most risk for abusing inhalants, how to identify inhalant use and how to respond, should you find someone in danger from abusing inhalants.  Additionally, this site has information for parents on how to talk to children and adolescence about the dangers of inhalant use and recognizing the signs of inhalant use in the home.