Bernie Yurke, Ph.D.
Distinguished Research Fellow (Dec. 2007)
Micron School of Materials Science and Engineering
Career Highlights and Research Contributions
Bernard Yurke grew up in Boise, Idaho. He did his first two years of undergraduate work at Boise State College, which is now Boise State University. He then transferred to the University of Texas at Austin where he received a BS and MA in physics. He did his Ph.D. work at Cornell University in experimental low temperature physics. Upon completing his Ph.D. he joined Bell Laboratories as a research physicist, then part of AT&T, where he worked for nearly 25 years. He retired from Bell Laboratories in the fall of 2007. He joined the faculty at Boise State University in January of 2008 and holds a joint appointment as Research Professor in the Materials Science and Engineering Department and in the Electrical and Computer Engineering Department.
While at Bell Laboratories, Bernard Yurke worked in a variety of fields, including low temperature physics, quantum optics, liquid crystals, biophysics, microelectromechanical systems (MEMS), and DNA nanotechnology. Highlights of his career include having served as the theorist for the Bell Laboratories team that was first to generate squeezed light, having been the first to experimentally demonstrate the generation of squeezed microwaves, and having been the first to construct a DNA-based nanodevice powered by DNA. His current research is focused on DNA nanotechnology.
Bernard Yurke became a Distinguished Member of Technical Staff at Bell Laboratories and a fellow of the Optical Society of America, the American Physical Society, and the American Association for the Advancement of Science. He was the 2001 recipient of the Max Born Award from the Optical Society of America for his work in quantum optics.
Areas of Interest
- My research interests are varied, but currently my focus is on DNA nanotechnology and the use of DNA self-assembly to fabricate electrical and optical devices and circuits with a few nanometer feature size. Nanoscale Materials and Device Group Website
- D. Y. Zhang, A. J. Turberfield, B. Yurke, and E. Winfree, “Engineering entropy-driven reactions and networks catalyzed by DNA,” Science, 318 [5853] 1121-1125 (2007).
- T. Liedl, H. Dietz, B. Yurke, and F. Simmel, “Controlled trapping and release of quantum dots in a DNA-Switchable hydrogel,” Small, 3 [10] 1688-1693 (2007).
- G. Seelig, B. Yurke, and E. Winfree, “Catalyzed relaxation of a metastable DNA fuel,” Journal of the American Chemical Society, 128 [37] 12211-12220 (2006).
- B. Yurke, D. C. Lin, and N. A. Langrana, “Use of DNA nanodevices in modulating the mechanical properties of polyacrylamide gels,” DNA Computing [Lecture Notes in Computer Science], 3892 417-426 (2006).
- D. C. Lin, B. Yurke, and N. A. Langrana, “Use of rigid spherical inclusions in Young’s moduli determination: Application to DNA-crosslinked gels,” Journal of Biomedical Engineering-Transactions of the ASME, 127 [4] 571-579 (2005).
- G. Seelig, B. Yurke, and E. Winfree, “DNA hybridization catalysts and catalyst circuits,” DNA Computing [Lecture Notes in Computer Science], 3384 329-343 (2005).
- B. Yurke and D. Zhang, “A clocked DNA-based replicator,” DNA Computing [Lecture Notes in Computer Science], 3384 445-457 (2005).
- D. C. Lin, B. Yurke, and N. A. Langrana, “Inducing reversible stiffness changes in DNA-crosslinked gels,” Journal of Materials Research, 20 [6] 1456-1464 (2005).
- D. C. Lin, N. A. Langrana, and B. Yurke, “Force-displacement relationships for spherical inclusions in finite elastic media,” Journal of Applied Physics, 97 [4] Article Number 043510 (2005).
- D. C. Lin, B. Yurke, N. A. Langrana, “Mechanical properties of a reversible, DNA-crosslinked polyacrylamide hydrogel,” Journal of Biomechanical Engineering-Transactions of the ASME, 126 [1] 104-110 (2004).
- A. J. Turberfield, A. J. Mitchell, B. Yurke, A. P. Mills, Jr., M. I. Blakey, and F. C. Simmel, “DNA fuel for free-running nanomachines,” Physical Review Letters, 90 [11] Article Number 118102 (2003).
- F. C. Simmel, B. Yurke, and R. J. Sanyal, “Operation kinetics of a DNA-based molecular switch,” Journal of Nanoscience and Nanotechnology, 2 [3-4] 383-390 (2002).
- F. C. Simmel and B. Yurke, “A DNA-based molecular device switchable between three distinct mechanical states,” Applied Physics Letters, 80 [5] 883-885 (2002).
- F. C. Simmel and B. Yurke, “Using DNA to construct and power a nanoactuator,” Physical Review E, 63 [4] Article Number 041913 (2001).
- B. Yurke, A. J. Turberfield, A. J. Mills, Jr., F. C. Simmel, and J. L. Neumann, “A DNA-fuelled molecular machine made of DNA,” Nature, 406 [6796] 605-608 (2000). Times Cited: 292
- B. Yurke, A. P. Mills, Jr. and S. L. Cheng, “DNA implementation of addition in which the input strands are separate from the operator strands,” Biosystems 52 [1-3] 165-174 (1999).
- A. P. Mills, Jr., B. Yurke, and P. M. Platzman, “Article for analog vector algebra computation,” Biosystems, 52 [1-3] 175-180 (1999).
- F. Amblard, A. C. Maggs, B. Yurke, A. N. Pargellis, and S. Leibler, “Subdiffusion and anomalous local viscoelasticity in actin networks – Reply,” Physical Review Letters, 81 [5 ] 1135-1135 (1998).
- F. Amblard, A. C. Maggs, B. Yurke, A. N. Pargellis, and S. Leibler, “Subdiffusion and anomalous local viscoelasticity in actin networks (vol 77, pg 4470, 1996)” Physical Review Letters, 81 [5] 1136-1136 (1998).
- M. Dogterom and B. Yurke, “Microtubule dynamics and the positioning of microtubule organizing centers,” Physical Review Letters, 81 [2] 485-488 (1998).
- M. Dogterom and B. Yurke, “Measurement of the force-velocity relation for growing microtubules,” Science 278 [5339] 856-860 (1997).
- T. E. Holy, M. Dogterom, B. Yurke, and S. Leibler, “Assembly and positioning of microtubule asters in microfabricated chambers,” Proceeding of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America, 94 [12] 6228-6231 (1997).
- F. Amblard, A. C. Maggs, B. Yurke, and S. Leibler, “Subdiffusion and anomalous local viscoelasticity in actin networks,” Physical Review Letters, 77 [21] 4470-4473 (1996).
- F. Amblard, B. Yurke, A. N. Pargellis, and S. Leibler, “A magnetic manipulator for studying local rheology and micromechanical properties of biological systems,” Review of Scientific Instruments, 67 [3] 818-827 (1996).
- B. Yurke, A.. N. Pargellis, S. N. Majumdar, and C. Sire, “Experimental measurement of the persistence exponent of the planar Ising model,” Physical Review E, 56 [1] R40-R42 (1997).
- N. A. Pargellis, J. Mendez, M. Srinivasarao, and B. Yurke, “Dynamics of monopole annihilation by type-1/2 strings in a nematic liquid crystal,” Physical Review E, 53 [1] R25-R28 (1996).
- A. N. Pargellis, S. Green, and B. Yurke, “Planar xy-model dynamics in a nematic liquid-crystal system,” Physical Review E, 49 [5] 4250-4257 (1994).
- I. Chuang, B. Yurke, A. N. Pargellis, and N. Turok, “Dynamics in uniaxial nematic liquid-crystals,” Physical Review E, 47 [5] 3343-3356 (1993).
- A. P. Y. Wong, P. Wiltzius, R. G. Larson, and B. Yurke, “Power-law scattering in fluids with a nonscalar order parameter,” Physical Review E, 47 [4] 2683-2688 (1993).
- B. Yurke, A. N. Pargellis, T. Kovacs, and D. A. Huse, “Coarsening dynamics of the xy model,” Physical Review E, 47 [3] 1525-1530 (1993).
- N. Mason, A. N. Pargellis, and B. Yurke, “Scaling behavior of 2-time correlations in a twisted nematic liquid-crystal. Physical Review Letters, 70 [2] 190-193 (1993).
- A. N. Pargellis, P. Finn, J. W. Goodby, P. Panizza, B. Yurke, and P. E. Cladis, “Defect dynamics and coarsening dynamics in smectic-C films,” Physical Review A, 46 [12] 7765-7776 (1992).
- B. Yurke, A. N. Pargellis and N. Turok, “Coarsening dynamics in nematic liquid-crystals,” Molecular Crystals and Liquid Crystals, 223 195-203 (1992).
- B. Yurke, A. N. Pargellis, I. Chuang, N. Turok, “Coarsening dynamics in nematic liquid-crystals,” Physica B, 178 [1-4] 56-72 (1992).
- A. P. Y. Wong, P. Wiltzius, and B. Yurke, “Structure-factor scaling at the isotropic-to-nematic transition of cesium perfluoro-octanoate,” Physical Review Letters, 68 [24] 3583-3586 (1992).
- R. Snyder, A. N. Pargellis, P. A. Graham, and B. Yurke, “Light-transmission study of coarsening in a nematic liquid-crystal,” Physical Review A, 45 [4] R2169-R2172 (1992).
- A. N. Pargellis, N. Turok, and B. Yurke, “Monopole-antimonopole annihilation in a nematic liquid-crystal,” Physical Review Letters, 67 [12] 1570-1573 (1991).
- I. Chuang, N. Turok, and B. Yurke, “Late-time coarsening dynamics in a nematic liquid-crystal,” Physical Review Letters, 99 [19] 2472-2479 (1991).
- I. Chuang, R. Durrer, N. Turok, and B. Yurke, “Cosmology in the laboratory – defect dynamics in liquid-crystals,” Science, 251 [4999] 1336-1342 (1991).
- E. Bukes and B. Yurke, “Mass detection with a nonlinear nanomechanical resonator,” Physical Review E, 74 [4] Article Number 046619 (2006).
- D. S. Greywall, B. Yurke, P. A. Busch, and S. C. Arney, “Low-temperature anomalies in the dissipation of small mechanical resonators,” Europhysics Letters, 34 [1] 37-42 (1996).
- B. Yurke, D. S. Greywall, A. N. Pargellis, and P. A. Busch, “Theory of amplifier-noise evasion in an oscillator employing a nonlinear resonator,” Physical Review A, 51 [5] 4211-4229 (1995). D. S. Greywall, B. Yurke, P. A. Busch, and R. L. Willett, Evading amplifier noise in nonlinear oscillators,” Physical Review Letters, 72 [19] 2992-2995 (1994).
- E. Segev, B. Abdo, O. Shtempluck, E. Bukes, and B. Yurke, “Prospects of employing superconducting stripline resonators for studying the dynamical Casimir effect experimentally,” Physics Letters A, 370 [3-4] 202-206 (2007).
- U. Gavish, B. Yurke, and Y. Imry, “Quantum noise minimization in transistor amplifiers,” Physical Review Letters, 96 [13] Article Number 133602 (2006).
- E. Bukes and B. Yurke, “Dephasing due to intermode coupling in superconducting stripline resonators,” Physical Review A, 73 [2] Article Number 023815 (2006).
- U. Gavish, B. Yurke, and Y. Imry, “Generalized constraints on quantum amplification,” Physical Review Letters 93 [25] Article Number 250601 (2004).
- B. Yurke, M. L. Roukes, R. Movshovich, and A. N. Pargellis, “A low-noise series-array Josephson junction parametric amplifier,” Applied Physics Letters, 69 [20] 3078-3080 (1996).
- S. L. McCall, L. D. Lanzerotti, B. Yurke, and A. N. Pargellis, “Radiation from a dielectric disk near a lossy dielectric plane,” Journal of Applied Physics, 79 [7] 3390-3396 (1996).
- R. Movshovich, B. Yurke, A. D. Smith, and A. H. Silver, “Subharmonic pumping of a josephson-parametric amplifier and the pitchfork instability,” Physical Review Letters, 67 [11] 1411-1414 (1991).
- B. Yurke, R. Movshovich, P. G. Kaminsky, A. D. Smith, A. H. Silver, and R. W. Simon, “Vacuum-noise squeezing at microwave-frequencies using Josephson-parametric amplifier,” Physica B, 169 [1-4] 432-435 (1991).
- P. H. Bryant, R. Movshovich, and B. Yurke, “Noise rise in nondegenerate parametric-amplifiers,” Physical Review Letters, 66 [20] 2641-2644 (1991).
- B. Yurke, “Back-action evasion as an alternative to impedance matching,” Science, 252 [5005] 528-532 (1991).
- R. Movshovich, B. Yurke, P. G. Kaminsky, A. D. Smith, A. H. Silver, and R. W. Simon, “Vacuum noise squeezing at microwave-frequencies using a Josephson parametric-amplifier,” IEEE Transactions on Magnetics, 27 [2] 2658-2660 (1991).
- B. Yurke, R. Movshovich, P. G. Kaminsky, P. Bryant, A. D. Smith, and R. W. Simon, “Behavior of noise in a nondegenerate josephson-parametric amplifier,” IEEE Transactions on Magnetics, 27 [2] 3374-3379 (1991).
- R. Movshovich, B. Yurke, P. G. Kaminsky, A. D. Smith, A. H. Silver, R. W. Simon and M. V. Schneider, “Observation of zero-point noise squeezing via a Josephson-parametric amplifier,” Physical Review Letters, 65 [12] 1419-1422 (1990).
- B. Yurke and G. P. Kochanski, “Momentum noise in vacuum tunneling transducers,” Physical Review B 41 [12] 8184-8194 (1990).
- B. Yurke, P. G. Kaminsky, R. E. Miller, E. A. Whittaker, A. D. Smith, and R. W. Simon, “Observation of 4.2K equilibrium noise squeezing via a Josephson-parametric amplifier,” IEEE Transactions on Magnetics, 25 [2] 1371-1375 (1989).
- B. Yurke, L. R. Corruccini, P. G. Kaminsky, L. W. Rupp, A. D. Smith, A. H. Silver, R. W. Simon, and E. A. Whittaker, “Observation of parametric amplification and deamplification in a Josephson parametric amplifier,” Physical Review A, 39 [5] 2519-2533 (1989).
- B. Yurke, “Interferometry with correlated fermions,” Physica B & C, 151 [1-2] 286-290 (1988).
- B. Yurke, P. G. Kaminsky, R. E. Miller, E. A. Whittaker, A.D. Smith, A. H. Silver, and R. W. Simon, “Observation of 4.2K equilibrium-noise squeezing via a Josephson-parametric amplifier,” Physical Review Letters, 60 [9] 764-767 (1988).
- B. Yurke, L. W. Rupp, and P. G. Kaminsky, “Use of the Josephson junction in fundamental quantum-electronics experiments,” IEEE Transactions on Magnetics 23 [2] 458-464 (1987).
- P. G. Kaminsky, L. W. Rupp, and B. Yurke, “Cryogenic motorized wave-guide switch,” Review of Scientific Instruments, 58 [5] 894-895 (1987).
- B. Yurke, “Quantizing the damped harmonic-oscillator,” American Journal of Physics, 54 [12] 1133-1139 (1986).
- D. Stoler and B. Yurke, “Generating antibunched light from the output of a nondegenerate frequency-converter,” Physical Review A, 34 [4] 3143-3147 (1986)
- . B. Yurke, “Input states for enhancement of fermion interferometer sensitivity,” Physical Review Letters 56 [15] 1515-1517 (1986).
- B. Yurke, “Conservative model for the damped harmonic-oscillator,” American Journal of Physics, 52 [12] 1099-1102 (1984).
- B. Yurke and J. S. Denker, “Quantum network theory,” Physical Review A, 29 [3] 1419-1437 (1984).
- B. Yurke and J. Denker, “Design for an ideal measuring device,” Physica B & C, 108 [1-3] 1359-1360 (1981).
- K. Jahne, B. Yurke and U. Gavish, “High-fidelity transfer of an arbitrary quantum state between harmonic oscillators,” Physical Review A, 75 [1] Article Number 010301 (2007).
- B. Yurke and E. Buks, “Performance of cavity-parametric amplifiers, employing Keff nonlinearties, in the presence of two-photon loss,” Journal of Lightwave Technology, 24 [12] 5054-5066 (2006).
- D. Leibrandt, B. Yurke, and R. Slusher, “Modeling ion trap thermal noise decoherence,” Quantum Information and Computation, 7 [1-2] 52-72 (2007).
- M. Hillery, B. Yurke, and D. Stoler, “Upper and lower bounds on maximal violation of local realism in a Hardy-type test using continuous variables,” Physical Review A, 63 [6] Article Number 062111 (2001).
- B. Yurke, M. Hillery, and D. Stoler, “Position-momentum local-realism violation of the Hardy type,” Physical Review A, 60 [5] 3444-3447 (1999).
- B. Yurke and D. Stoler, “Observing local realism violations with a combination of sensitive and insensitive detectors,” Physical Review Letters, 79 [25] 4941-4945 (1997).
- M. Hillery and B. Yurke, “Bell’s theorem and beyond,” Quantum and Semiclassical Optics, 7 [3] 215-227 (1995).
- B. Yurke and D. Stoler, “Bell’s-inequality experiment employing 4 harmonic-oscillators,” Physical Review A, 51 [5] 3437-3444 (1995).
- B. Yurke and D. Stoler, “Using the Pauli exclusion-principle to exhibit local-realism violations in overlapping interferometers,” Physical Review A, 47 [3] 1704-1707 (1993).
- M. D. Reid and B. Yurke, “Effect of bistability and superpositions on quantum statistics in degenerate parametric oscillation,” Physical Review A, 46 [7] 4131-4137 (1992).
- B. Yurke and D. Stoler, “Bell’s-inequality experiments using independent-particle sources,” Physical Review A, 46 [5] 2229-2234 (1992).
- B. Yurke and D. Stoler, “Einstein-Podolsky-Rosen effects from independent particle sources,” Physical Review Letters, 68 [9] 1251-1254 (1992).
- B. Yurke, W. Schleich, and D. F. Walls, “Quantum superpositions generated by quantum nondemolition measurements,” Physical Review A, 42 [3] 1703-1711 (1990).
- S. Song, C. M. Caves, and B. Yurke, “Generation of superpositions of classically distinguishable quantum states from optical back-action evasion,” Physical Review A, 41 [9] 5261-5264 (1990).
- R. E. Slusher and B. Yurke, “Squeezed Light for coherent communications,” Journal of Lightwave Technology,” 8 [3] 466-477 (1990).
- B. Yurke and M. J. Potasek, “Solution to the initial-value problem for the quantum nonlinear Schrödinger-equation,” Journal of the Optical Society of America B – Optical Physics, 6 [6] 1227-1238 (1989).
- A. LaPorta, R. E. Slusher, and B. Yurke, “Back-action evading measurements of an optical-field using parametric down conversion,” Physical Review Letters, 62 [1] 28-31 (1989).
- P. Grangier, M. J. Potasek, and B. Yurke, “Probing the phase coherence of parametrically generated photon pairs – a new test of Bell’s inequalities,” Physical Review A, 38 [6] 3132-3135 (1988).
- B. Yurke and D. Stoler, “The dynamic generation of Schrodinger cats and their detection,” Physica B & C, 151 [1-2] 298-301 (1988).
- M. J. Potasek and B. Yurke, “Dissipative effects on squeezed light generated in systems governed by the nonlinear Schrodinger-equation,” Physical Review A, 38 [3] 1335-1348 (1988).
- B. Yurke, “Detecting squeezed boson fields via particle scattering,” Physical Review Letters, 60 [24] 2476-2479 (1988).
- R. E. Slusher and B. Yurke, “Squeezed light,” Scientific American, 258 [5] 50-& (1988).
- R. E. Slusher, P. Grangier, A. LaPorta, B. Yurke, and M. J. Potasek, “Pulsed squeezed light,” Physical Review Letters, 59 [22] 2566-2569 (1987).
- P. Grangier, R. E. Slusher, B. Yurke, and A. LaPorta, “Squeezed-light enhanced polarization interferometer,” Physical Review Letters, 59 [19] 2153-2156 (1987).
- R. E. Slusher, B. Yurke, P. Grangier, A. Laporta, D. F. Walls, and M. Reid, “Squeezed-light generation by 4-wave-mixing near an atomic resonance,” Journal of the Optical Society of America B – Optical Physics, 4 [10] 1453-1464 (1987).
- B. Yurke, “Squeezed-state generation using a Josephson parametric-amplifier,” Journal of the Optical Society of America B – Optical Physics, 4 [10] 1551-1557 (1987).
- B. Yurke, P. Grangier, and R. E. Slusher, “Squeezed-state enhanced 2-frequency interferometry,” Journal of the Optical Society of America B – Optical Physics, 4 [10] 1677-1682 (1987).
- B. Yurke and M. Potasek, “Obtainment of thermal noise from a pure quantum state,” Physical Review A, 36 [7] 3464-3466 (1987).
- R. E. Slusher, B. Yurke, and J. Mertz, “Experimental progress in intracavity generation of squeezed light using resonant atomic nonlinearities,” Journal of Modern Optics, 34 [6-7] 761-773 (1987).
- B. Yurke and D. Stoler, “Measurement of amplitude probability-distributions for photon-number-operator eigenstates,” Physical Review A, 36 [4] 1955-1958 (1987).
- B. Yurke and D. Stoler, “Quantum behavior of a 4-wave mixer operated in a nonlinear regime,” Physical Review A, 35 [11] 4846-4849 (1987).
- M. J. Potasek and B. Yurke, Squeezed-light generation in a medium governed by the nonlinear Schrodinger-equation,” Physical Review A, 35 [9] 3974-3977 (1987).
- B. Yurke, P. Grangier, R. E. Slusher, and M. J. Potasek “Generating and detecting short-duration pulses of squeezed light,” Physical Review A, 35 [8] 3586-3589 (1987).
- B. Yurke and E. A. Whittaker, “Squeezed-state-enhanced frequency-modulation spectroscopy,” Optics Letters, 12 [4] 236-238 (1987).
- B. Yurke and D. Stoler, “Generating quantum-mechanical superpositions of macroscopically distinguishable states via amplitude dispersion,” Physical Review Letters, 57 [1] 13-16 (1986).
- B. Yurke, S. L. McCall, J. R. Klauder, Jr., “SU(2) and SU(1,1) interferometers,” Physical Review A, 33 [6] 4033-4054 (1986).
- J. R. Klauder, S. L. McCall, and B. Yurke, “Squeezed states from nondegenerate 4-wave mixers,” Physical Review A, 33 [5] 3204-3209 (1986).
- R. E. Slusher, L. W. Hollberg, B. Yurke, J. C. Mertz, and J. F. Valley, “Observation of squeezed states generated by 4-wave mixing in an optical cavity,” Physical Review Letters, 55 [22] 2409-2412 (1985).
- B. Yurke, “Squeezed-coherent-state generation via 4-wave mixers and detection via homodyne detectors,” Physical Review A 32 [1] 300-310 (1985).
- B. Yurke, “Wideband photon-counting and homodyne detection,” Physical Review A, 32 [1] 311-323 (1985).
- B. Yurke, “Optical back-action-evading amplifiers,” Journal of the Optical Society of America B – Optical Physics, 2 [5] 732-738 (1985).
- R. E. Slusher, L. Hollberg, B. Yurke, J. C. Mertz, and J. F. Valley, “Squeezed states in optical cavities – a spontaneous-emission-noise limit,” Physical Review A, 31 [5] 3512-3515 (1985).
- B. Yurke and L. R. Corruccini, “Back-action-evading measurement of optical-fields with the use of a 4-wave mixer,” Physical Review A, 30 [2] 895-900 (1984).
- B. Yurke, “Use of Cavities in squeezed-state generation,” Physical Review A, 29 [1] 408-410 (1984).
- B. Yurke, “An evolving universe in a pot of liquid-helium,” Physics World, 7 [7] 28-28 (1994).
- B. Yurke, P. G, Kaminsky, and D. M. Eigler, “Cryogenic piezoelectric displacement tester,” Cryogenics 26 [7] 435-436 (1986).
- B. Yurke, J. S. Denker, B. R. Johnson, N. Bigelow, L. P. Levy, D. M. Lee, and J. H. Freed, “NMR-induced recombination of spin-polarized hydrogen,” Physical Review Letters, 50 [15] 1137-1140 (1983).
- B. Yurke, J. S. Denker, and B. R. Johnson, “A cryostat for investigating spin polarized hydrogen,” Physica B & C, 107 [1-3] 521-522 (1981).
- B. Yurke, J. S. Denker, and B. R. Johnson, “A cryostat for investigating spin polarized hydrogen,” Physica B & C, 107 [1-3] 521-522 (1981).
- F. A. Matsen, T. L.Welsher, and B. Yurke, “Spin-Free Quantum Chemistry. XIX: Particle-Hole and Pairing Symmetries,” International Journal of Quantum Chemistry, 212 985 (1977).
- T. L. Welsher, W. A. Seitz, B. Yurke, R. A. Gonzales, F. A. Matsen, “Configuration Interaction and the Woodward-Hoffman Rules. 1: Electrocyclic Reactions,” Journal of the American Chemical Society, 299, 8389 (1977).