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Role of Functional Groups on the Strength of Coupling in Custom Squaraine Dyes

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Original Article written March 21, 2022, by Research Scholar Olya Mass and Research Program Manager John Hall, qDNA Research Group

(top) A single squaraine dye covalently attached to DNA Holliday junction. Circles depict the positions of functional groups of differing hydrophobicity. (bottom) As overall squaraine hydrophobicity increases (from blue being the the most hydrophobic and green being the least hydrophobic), excitonic coupling in squaraine dimer and tetramer aggregates increases (from yellow being a weak coupling strength to red being a strong coupling strength).

Article by Research Scholar Olya Mass and Research Program Manager John Hall, qDNA Research Group
Dye hydrophobicity–literally a tedency to repel from water–influences the strength of excitonic coupling in squaraine dye aggregates. By substituting different functional groups on these dyes, the degree of hydrophobicity, and therefore coupling strength, can be fine-tuned.
What did the Scientists/ Engineers Discover?
Molecular dye aggregates provide a promising material system for the development of technologies such as light harvesting, optoelectronics, and quantum computing. Their usage relies in part on controlling the strength of their coupling when aggregated. For dyes in close proximity coupling occurs through the sharing of an exciton; in other words, sharing the excited state of a dye that has absorbed a photon of light. The strength of excitonic coupling is inversely proportional to the distance between the dyes. The Quantum DNA (qDNA) Research Group has shown previously that covalently bonding dyes to a DNA scaffold provides a means to control dye spacing on a subnanometer scale. Here, Micron School of Materials Science and Engineering (MSMSE) Research Scholar Olya Mass and colleagues investigated the influence of dye hydrophobicity on the strength of excitonic coupling in DNA-templated squaraine dye aggregates.

Squaraine dyes are a class of organic dyes that exhibit interesting spectral properties, stability, and diversity of chemical modifications. Adding different functional groups–i.e., an atom or group of atoms with distinct chemical properties–to a dye is a means of chemical modification that enables assessing resultant changes in the photophysical, as well as chemical properties of the dye. In the present study, six squaraines of differing hydrophobicity (as determined by the different functional groups attached and their placement) were assembled in different aggregate configurations and their key properties were examined. Spectral data and modeling using an in-house simulation tool showed that the strength of excitonic coupling strongly correlated with a dye’s hydrophobic surface area as determined by the type of functional group added and its location(s) on the dye.


The research findings of Mass and colleagues provide a deeper insight into how dye chemical and physical structures influence excitonic coupling in dye aggregates that use DNA as a scaffold. In addition, the findings contribute to our understanding of design rules for exciton-based materials and devices.

Study Investigators

Olga A. Mass, MSMSE, Boise State University
Christopher K. Wilson, MSMSE, Boise State University
German Barcenas, MSMSE, Boise State University
Ewald A. Terpetschnig, SETA BioMedicals, LLC
Olena M. Obukhova, State Scientific Institution “Institute for Single Crystals” of National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine
Olga S. Kolosova, State Scientific Institution “Institute for
Single Crystals” of National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine
Anatoliy L. Tatarets, State Scientific Institution “Institute for
Single Crystals” of National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine
Lan Li, MSMSE, Boise State University
Bernard Yurke, MSMSE and Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering (ECE), Boise State University
William B. Knowlton, MSMSE and ECE, Boise State University
Ryan D. Pensack, MSMSE, Boise State University
Jeunghoon Lee, MSMSE and Department of Chemistry and Biochemistry, Boise State University

Publication Citation

Olga A. Mass, Christopher K. Wilson, German Barcenas, Ewald A. Terpetschnig, Olena M. Obukhova, Olga S. Kolosova, Anatoliy L. Tatarets, Lan Li, Bernard Yurke, William B. Knowlton, Ryan D. Pensack, and Jeunghoon Lee, The Influence of Hydrophobicity on Excitonic Coupling in DNA-Templated Indolenine Squaraine Dye Aggregates, Journal of Physical Chemistry C, 126, 3475-3488 (2022).


Funding Agency
Grant/Contract Number
Role of Funding
U.S. Department of Energy (DOE), Office of Basic Energy Sciences, Materials Sciences and Engineering Division and DOE’s Established Program to Stimulate Competitive Research (EPSCoR)
DOE award DE-SC0020089
Primary funding for Mass et al. 2021
National Institutes of Health (NIH), MJ Murdock Charitable Trust, and Idaho State Board of Education (to the Biomolecular Research Center at Boise State)
NIH award Nos. P20GM103408 and P20GM109095
Use of the circular dichroism spectrometer


This research was supported wholly by the U.S. Department of Energy (DOE), Office of Basic Energy Sciences, Materials Sciences and Engineering Division, and DOE’s Established Program to Stimulate Competitive Research (EPSCoR) (Award DE-SC0020089), except for the use of the circular dichroism spectrometer that was funded in part by the National Institutes of Health (NIH). Any opinions, findings, and conclusions or recommendations expressed in this material are those of the author(s) and do not necessarily reflect the views of the DOE and NIH.