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Bike & Smoking Citation Appeal Form

Appeal Form

This form should be used to appeal smoking and bike citations only, and should not be used to appeal parking citations. To appeal parking citations, please visit the Transportation and Parking Appeals page to review policy and resources.

  • MM slash DD slash YYYY
  • This form should be used only to appeal smoking and bike citations, and should NOT be used to appeal parking citations. Appeals must be made within 10 days of citation issuance and are heard by an appointed committee. The decision of the appeals hearing is final and you will typically be notified by mail (or email if provided) within 7 business days. If you have already paid for the citation and it is waived or reduced, your account will be refunded.
  • Please be as specific as possible, you may attach images for additional information that would be helpful in considering this appeal.
  • Max. file size: 10 MB.