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If a citation was issued in error, you have the right to submit an appeal. The appeal and any accompanying documentation must be received by the Department of Public Safety Adjudication Committee within ten (10) business days of the date of citation issuance. Please be aware that a citation may not be appealed if it has already been paid. Submit your appeal prior to making payment on a citation.

Appeal Your Citation

Appeal Deadline Waiver

Grounds of Appeal

Appeals may be accepted if

  1. You have provided substantial evidence that you did not commit the violation for which the citation was issued
  2. You may have committed the violation, but circumstances were not under your control,
  3. Prior to being issued the citation, you made some demonstrated attempt to notify the Department of Public Safety of the extenuating situation
  4. An emergency or medical condition prohibited your ability to remove the vehicle
  5. Mechanical errors made the vehicle impossible to remove, and you contacted the Department of Public Safety regarding the mechanical error.

Submitting an Appeal

An appeal can be submitted on the customer portal or by clicking the Appeal Your Citation button. Please be aware a citation may not be appealed if it has already been paid. Please submit your appeal prior to making payment on a citation.

A decision will be made using the submitted information and evidence. Additional information will not be accepted after the decision has been made. You will be notified of the appeal decision to the email or phone number submitted within ten (10) business days of receipt of the appeal. If your appeal is denied, the fine is due and payable within ten (10) business days of receipt of the adjudication.

No late fees or other penalties are applied while a citation is under appeal. However your vehicle may still be eligible for impound if the criteria is met including citations in the appeals process.

If you would like to reduce the amount you owe, you have the option to attend a Ticket Diversion class. Please click the following link to learn more: Policies, Rules, and Regulations.

Request to Review

Appeal Deadline Waiver Info

Citations more than ten business days old cannot be submitted traditionally. If you have unavoidably passed the ten (10) day deadline, please click the following link for the Deadline Waiver Form: Request to Waiver Appeal Deadline Form

Please note that the Department of Public Safety – Transportation and Parking Services or the Board of Appeals will not review citations over twenty-five (25) calendar days old.  Please ensure any appeal requests or questions about an open citation are submitted prior to this deadline.

The Adjudication Committee will respond to your deadline waiver in a timely manner. There are two steps to the Deadline Waiver process. First, The Adjudication Committee will determine if your reasoning for missing the deadline is valid. If your reasoning is sound they will move the appeal through the appeal process outlined. If the Adjudication Committee denies your Deadline Waiver payment of the citation is due within fourteen (14) business days of the waiver denial to avoid late fees.