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Weapons on Campus

Possession of Firearms/Weapons on University Owned or Controlled Premises

University Policy #12080 generally prohibits the possession, wearing, carrying, transporting or use of any weapon on university owned or controlled premises, including vehicles parked on campus.

There are exceptions to the general prohibition including:

  • Police Officers. Lawful possession of weapons by a full-time sworn police officer, level I reserve officers, and qualified law enforcement officers, such as officers defined in 18 U.S.C. § 926B whether in uniform or plain clothes with proper identification regardless of duty status.
  • Armored Transport Personnel. On-duty armored transport personnel.
  • Concealed Carry by Retired Law Enforcement. A qualified retired law enforcement officer can carry concealed weapon(s), See Idaho Code §18-3302H.
  • Permission from Associate Vice President (AVP). A weapon in the possession of a person who has received prior written authorization from the AVP of Public Safety.
  • Reserve Officers’ Training Corps (ROTC). The lawful possession of a weapon by members of the ROTC program, when directed by a provision of the program and with permission from the Associate Vice President of Public Safety.
  • Concealed Carry Subjects with Enhanced Concealed Firearm Permit. See Idaho Code §18-3309. The lawful carrying of concealed firearms by a person who holds an enhanced license to carry concealed Weapons, as described in

    Idaho Code §18-3302K
    . However, it is not lawful for a person issued a license under the provisions of Idaho Code §18-3302K to carry a firearm within a student dormitory or residence hall, or within any building of a public entertainment facility. A specific list of buildings that are restricted from an enhanced concealed carry weapon are included in < University Policy #12080.

Additional exceptions for weapons other than firearms include:

  • Personal protection pepper spray, e.g. Oleoresin Capsicum or OC, may be carried on campus, but not into campus entertainment facilities with a seating capacity of at least one thousand (1,000) persons as named in Section 4.2.g.(ii) of the policy.
  • Household knives intended to be used for, and actually used for, the express purpose of cooking and eating.

It is not lawful for any person to carry a concealed weapon when intoxicated under the influence of drugs or alcohol.

Safety Concern: Contact Public Safety at 208-426-6911 or Boise Police at 9-1-1.

Policy Question: Contact General Counsel at 208-426-1203.