Past Boise State Crime Logs
Disposition Key
Open: The case is currently being investigated by a law enforcement agency.
Closed by Arrest: The subject has been arrested by a law enforcement agency.
Closed by Citation: The subject has been cited by a law enforcement agency.
Closed by Referral: The case has been referred to another agency or Boise State University departments, like Human Resources, TIXIE, Dean of Student’s Office, the CARE team, or Housing.
Inactive: No further investigative action is required at this time, or leads have been exhausted. Cases may also be coded as inactive if there is no current law enforcement investigation or the report was a CSA report only.
Pending: The case is open and being reviewed by the prosecutor for possible charges.
CSA Report: Report made by a Campus Security Authority to fulfill reporting obligations under the federal law known as the Clery Act for statistical purposes only
Unfounded: The case is determined to be false or baseless through law enforcement investigation. No offense occurred nor was attempted.