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Active Shooter Preparedness Resources

The Department of Public Safety offers department or unit trainings regarding Active Shooter and Targeted Violence Preparedness Training.  To request our 1.5 hour course to be conducted in your location of choice, fill out our request form.

Online Videos:

  • Active Attacker – Response and Prevention (8.5 Minutes):  >This is the video we are currently using in our “Targeted Violence Awareness” academics. Produced by the University of Michigan, this video not only covers “Run/Hide/Fight” tactics promoted by the FBI and the Department of Homeland Security, it covers how to recognize the signs of an Active Assailant and “If You See Something, Say Something” in order to prevent a targeted violence incident before it happens.
  • Evan (2.5 minutes): Produced by the Sandy Hook Promise, this important video does an outstanding job in a short amount of time of describing how to recognize the signs of a potential active assailant. Our Threat Assessment team on campus is called the CARE Team and you can submit a CARE report if you are concerned about someone on campus of potential self-harm or harm to others.
  • Shots Fired on Campus (20 minutes): Although this video uses different terminology than “Run, Hide, Fight,” there are some great tips and guidance for preparing for an Active Attacker scenario in a campus setting.

Online FEMA Courses

Emergency Management Institute Independent Study Courses
These are free online courses you can take and receive a FEMA Certificate on completion. Each course will take you from 30 minutes to an hour.

Additional Resources:

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