In the event of a tornado, follow the below steps to stay safe.

If You Are Indoors
Move away from windows and outside rooms.
- Seek shelter in a center hallway or an interior area on the bottom level of the building.
- Avoid large open spaces like auditoriums or gymnasiums with wide, unsupported roofs.
- Call 9-1-1 for emergency assistance if necessary.
If You Are Outdoors
- Lie flat in the nearest ditch, ravine, or culvert and protect your head with your hands and arms.
- Leave the area immediately after the tornado passes to avoid flash flooding..
If You Are in a Vehicle
- Follow the same rules as for being outdoors. Do not attempt to outrun a tornado in your car.
After the Tornado Passes
- Proceed to safe assembly locations as directed.
- Avoid entering any buildings unless authorized by authorities to do so.