During all power shortages and outages, all university classes, offices, administrative and computer network systems shall carry on unless specifically directed otherwise by the University President.
The University President, or designated representative, shall determine if and when to call for the cancellation of classes, evacuation of buildings and orderly shut down of administrative and computer network systems at a time deemed appropriate given the information at hand.
- If directed to evacuate buildings, shut off switches to as many electrical items as possible.
- Use clear safe escape routes and exits and proceed to safe assembly locations as identified in the EVACUATION ROUTE MAP AND INSTRUCTIONS posted in your building.
- Assist persons requiring evacuation assistance to designated areas for evacuation assistance. Advise the Building Coordinator or Security of their location when you leave the building.
- To report a localized power outage, contact Facilities Operation and Maintenance at 208-426-1409 during business hours and then notify Department of Public Safety at 208-426-6911. DO NOT call 9-1-1 unless unable to contact FO&M or DPS.
- DO NOT return to evacuated buildings until directed to do so by authorities.